Thursday, December 24, 2015

I'm Back (Almost)

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I want to apologize for my long absence from this blog but it was absolutely unavoidable.  I will be starting to slowly come back and hope to be back full time within the next month.  In the mean time I want to wish every one a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years.   God Bless.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Use It or Lose It

"Jungle River" by Drew John Tankersley
Happy sez-  One of the happiest things to happen to us is our freedom and our rights - so I'd like to give you one of my thoughts on the topic:

You don't lose your freedom by exercising it
You lose your freedom by not exercising it 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Shop Now

Shop now! 
click on link above to browse 

A Symphony of Living Vibrations

"Sky on a Green and Purple Night " by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- There are several general topics I often talk about: reality, our lifes path, and the cycles, patterns and vibrations of the universe and their interrelationship.  Today, because we have a full moon, indeed another super moon, I want to talk a little about our universe's cycles and vibrations and patterns.  All matter has a vibration, a frequency that starts in the sub atomic particles that make up the atoms, which make up the molecules which make us and every thing else in the universe.  The sound a guitar string makes is the

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Lungs of Reality

"Busy Day" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  It's the time of year, the point in our orbit when we mark the ever changing seasons, a constant cycle of time and movement that breaths life into the reality of our Earth.  It is these cycles that set the pattern to not only our lives but our reality as well, it is these cycles and the patterns and vibrations that they form (or are formed by) that govern every aspect of the universe and our lives within it.  Everything from the life cycle of the stars to the cycles of life to the orbits and vibrations of the infinitesimally small particles of matter are governed by the cycles, patterns and vibrations that mark the flow of time and defines reality. Truly these cycles of the universe are the lungs of reality.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

God's Light

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- 
The focus of our lives is usually on ourselves from the time we are an infant on and this is quite natural, after all it is our life and we are the ones that have to live it.  When we are growing up and coming of age that is the time we are learning about life and it’s rules as quickly as we can so that when we do come of age we can live that life in the way that suits us best individually. That is why

What Happened?

"Desert Nights" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Here is a story that was told to me the other day.  It asks some interesting questions, thought I would pass it on. -- Knowledge is a funny thing, when you come into this world you are an empty vessel as they say and ready to be filled with the world's knowledge, indeed your learning ability is better when your younger.  Following that line of thought would lead you to believe that as you get older you get smarter so at 65 you would know more than you did when you where 16.  What Happened?  When I was 16 I knew everything as do most 16 year olds - all you would have had to do was just ask - but now I know nothing.  How did that work?  --  Something to think about.  Have a good day!

Here's a link:

Thursday, October 8, 2015


"Field of Diamonds" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Though out the changing reality of our lives things of importance do not change but things of relative importance change as do the importance of things. When you are a year old your mothers love is important and your rattle is important but if you lost one it would of course be the rattle that was least important and when you're twenty-one your mothers love is important and that new Corvette is important but of course the Corvette is not as important as your mothers love.  Neither the car nor the rattle are of any importance relative to your mother and the importance of the rattle has changed to the car.

That leaves the conclusion that many of the important things in life, if not all, are constant though out the reality of our changing lives, while many things in our lives take on an importance because of the circumstances of the moment, when the circumstance has changed the importance has changed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Taking the High Road

"Vibrant Trail" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Here's a little something I had to learn along the way, sometimes the hard way and I can still have trouble with it but it is the ONLY way.  It's simple, but it has taken many people many decades to wrap their head around it and it applies to all facets of your life.

Always take the high road.  Always do what YOU feel in your gut, in your heart is right.  You may have regrets in the things that happen to you in your life, but you'll never regret how you lived your life

Monday, October 5, 2015

Stormy Start

"In the Groove" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  October has arrived and arrived with a roar of storms throughout the U.S.  The Carolina's, America's beautiful, sweet Carolina's are awash in stormy trouble, but knowing the good people of those states as I do, I know that they will make it through with God's help and our prayers.  The southwest and west is also getting a bit of the wet stuff, which is needed, but nothing like the east.  Stay dry, stay safe and care for the animals and those that can't care for themselves.

Here's a link:

U.S. Weather Service

Sunday, September 27, 2015

See The Eclipse!

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Don't forget tonight is the the full moon and a big one as the moon is closest to the Earth tonight and to boot we have a full lunar eclipse - make sure to see it!  Check your local media for local times.

some links:

How Could It Be Any Other Way?

"Cindy's Mountain" by Drew John Tankersley
 For a Sunday Morning
Happy Sez-   The worship of God is in essence a very private thing between you, you alone and God.  Public praise and public action are also a part of the worship, but it is that relationship between you, your heart and your soul and God that is the cord between you.  It is what you know in your heart, what know that no one has to tell you, the way you talk to God when no one but Him is listening, it is the way He loves you and you love Him, that is the real worship of God, is it not?  How can anyone deny the pure love that flows from Him, the overwhelming, never ending wave that washes over not only you but all of His creatures?  God is love, He is not mean or vengeful, while I don't know about Heaven or Hell, I know that He loves us and would not hurt us.  I trust He will put us where we need to be, and if the impurities that are in all of us need to be refined out then I know it is for our own well being, that He will not hurt you.  God is the birthplace of love and truth, not hate, not lies, not vengeance, and I know one thing - I love God and He loves me - how could it be any other way?

Here's a link:

Bible verses

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Check out our Watches

Happy sez- check out the new format of my store at Zazzle including my selection of fine watches! 

Watch by Happy Colors

Happy Fall

"In the Grain" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   Happy Fall - Beautiful and summery day in the deserts of the southwest but we know that today is the beginning of fall, and while we don't need our warm woolies just yet we will soon for that  progression of time that marks our seasons and our lives is doing what it does - it keeps on keeping on as we used to say.  So enjoy the day and enjoy the Season!

Here's a link or so:

Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Fleeting Thought - A Fleeting Reality

"Jungle Temple" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Our artist and my friend just published on his website, Revolution of Reality, a post I thought was worth the time to read.  Now I understand reality a lot better.  With his permission I am reprinting it here.

Deglazing With Wine
My wife and I were making a grocery list and I mentioned I needed some wine, even though my wife and I don't drink I go through a bottle of wine every month or so in the kitchen.  I do most of the cooking and usually use a little wine to deglaze the pan just as I am finished, adding flavor and a moist glaze.  This led us to a conversation about how much wine to use and when - which is something that varies each time according to the pan - what's in it, how much, how moist, how much glaze is on the pan, how hot it is and etc., etc..  The correct answer is of course, just use a squish or a plop or whatever according to the pan,  according to what the conditions, the circumstance is in the pan at that time - that's the frame of reference you use to judge how much wine to put in and that is the reality of the moment, a given reality that has just popped into existence and will pop out of existence when the action is taken and the circumstance no longer exists. Reality itself seems to be a collection of these given realities winking in and out of existence as bubbles in a foam. This of course begs another question - does the sum of the parts equal the whole?

Here's a link to his website:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Why You Do It

"Color Lighting" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Another beautiful day in many parts of the country, especially the great American deserts.  The sun is shinning, the winds are calm and the temps are great - not too hot, not too cold.  It is the kind of day that makes you happy to be alive, a day that makes you want to sing. It is also the kind of day that makes you want to pause for reflection, to stop for a moment and think about your life.  Is this day being spent well?  Is what I am doing a good use of this day and this life? While it matters what your goals are and how you achieve them, but in your day to day life whether you're working on a cure for cancer or just kicking back and feeling groovy, what matters most I think is why you're doing it, why your living the life the way you do.  Is it a life devoted to doing the right thing or what you want?  Is is a life of compassion or a life thinking only of yourself?  Is it a life full of concern for others or a life of vanity? Not only is what you do and how you do it important, but it is also important why you do it.

Here's a link: mark twain

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On Point

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I like a great number of people think of life as a journey and the closeness of that analogy is inescapable.  While the end of that journey is the point of that journey,  along the way the path or paths you take can lead you to many places, you can be many things and have many goals during that great adventure we call life.  We can never be sure what our purpose on this world may be, some are blessed with the faith that living your life to be the best  person you can be you will ultimately fulfill your purpose even though you may never know what it is.  Others may have been blessed with a feeling that they are striving for something, a certain goal perhaps a certain standard with distinct and direct ideas on where they are going and how they are going to get there, both are a good thing and either way it is a plan for our lives or a map of our life's path and the journey it takes us on. Whether or not we know our purpose in this life while in this life, we all have to choose a direction and a path with the goals of our life on the way to that final point.   As we follow the path we have chosen and our plan to reach the goals we have set for ourselves we do our best to stay on target, on our path and on point, but as when traveling on a real path things are not always the way you think they are or should be, a tree has fallen across your path or the trail markers get washed out or over grown - it's how people get lost both in the world and in life.  It's also how, and why, our paths and our directions change, they change to fit the new realities that life, dynamic by it's very nature, keeps throwing at you.  One wants to strive to stay on point with your goals, but one has to remember that those goals will change though out your life for many reasons and while you and your goals may change the main point at the end of your life will not.

Here is a couple of links:

Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day

"Summer Breeze" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Happy Labor Day !!! Stay Safe if not Sober!!!

 Check out my store at Zazzle - happycolorscoolstuff

Friday, September 4, 2015

Pretty and Pleasant Time

"Vibrant Earth" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Today as we all know a lot of people will be traveling for the Labor Day weekend, so of course be very careful!  Labor Day is for most people the end of summer or close to it.  School is in and the temps are starting to cool off nicely, and that pretty and pleasant time of year in between summer and fall is here when the summer heat is over and the feel of fall has not quite stated.  So enjoy this weekend and this brief time of year!

Here's  a link:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Privilage of Life

"Sky on a Green and Purple Night"by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  We are now into September and the beautiful moon full a few days ago is now starting it's wan toward the next cycle of light and dark, next cycle of tides and life.   In the northern hemisphere summer is slowly giving it's warmth for the fall colors and in many places the children are off to school. In the American southwest the desert winds are starting their heralding of fall by blowing the heat out as they blow the heat in in the spring, and life's cycle is slowly turning to fall.  If we are one of those individuals on the planet lucky enough to be blessed with the ability and freedom to step away from our personal troubles for a bit then it is easy to see the beauty in the universe and the joy in life and you realize that it has been not just a honor but a privilege to be a part of it.  Thank God

Here some links:

Monday, August 31, 2015

Vanity Included

"Summer Lines" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  It has been said that one can find beauty in every thing if one looks for it and that is true, it has also been said that you find what you are looking for, if your looking for beauty or love or good you find that, if your looking ugly, hate or trouble and bad you find that, and that also if true, and perhaps that is why in the universe you find every thing under the sun.  Including vanity.

here's a link:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Only On A Full Moon

"John's Squares" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Last night was the first night of a beautiful full moon right on the edge of August and September.
people were out and about as always but as always there seemed to be that particular tempo that is unique to the full moon. It seems odd at first but I guess it is really quite natural that Earth's living things, or terramanity, are subject to the forces that act upon our Earth such as the moons gravitational pull, making  not just the physical things of Earth subject to the moons pull but the emotional, moral side of life as well.  Some say this is not so, and perhaps it's not, perhaps it's only in my mind, that I only seem to imagine it every full moon.. But then again it only happens on a full moon.
Here's link or so for you:

Revolution of Reality

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Summer has it's Season

"Water Over a Cliff" by Drew JohnTankersley

Happy sez-  While it's summer still, school is starting in many places and talk of pumpkins is whispered about timidly, but with temperatures still in the 110s in some places the frost is not yet on that pumpkin.  Traveling around this great land of ours it's easy to see how each place in this country has in each season it's own beauty from the beautiful forests of the Blue Ridge that seem to shade not only the land but the soul as well, to the vast open nakedness of the western deserts that seem to reach forever.  This magnificent creation which is our Earth is home to all life that we know of and even though life is tough and tenuous it is our Earth given to us as we are given to it by our creator that allows us all to flourish. So enjoy the remainder of the summer, for summer like all things, has it's season.

Here's a link:

Bible ecc.3.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Landscapes and Terramanity

"The Pinwheel" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Someone once told me when I was just a young man and just starting to travel a bit that there were all kinds of different types of land because there were all kinds of different types of people.  This like many types of wisdom or truth is so obvious that you need someone to point it out to you.  There are many

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy sez-  Check out my store at zazzle featuring the great art of Drew John Tankersley at
               Here is a new product featuring a version of " The Pinwheel" sculpted onto one of Rickshaw Bags quality Messenger bags - perfect for back to school as well as every day use.Large Messenger Bag by Happy Colors

Dictators and Addictions

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I think that if I were a fly on the wall of history I would see that in each time in each generation there are groups of people that fall for a dictator like a bad addiction.  And like a bad addiction at first with a dictator it is a sense of salvation and instant love then the realization that love has turned to dependence then oppression and love is now the realization of hate.  This addiction to dictators is not, I think, a cultural, historical or racial phenomenon but is simply the result of natural forces and their natural laws.  Are not we all at one time or another in history subject to this dictator addiction regardless of race or culture? Who today have or in the future will fall prey to this, and what can we do, as a species to offset this if anything?  Perhaps we should treat this as we treat other natural phenomenon by trying to understand it and any natural laws that govern it. These moral forces are not just hap-hazard circumstances of fate but follow natural laws that can be defined and calculated like the other forces of nature such the electromagnetic force or gravity.  If we can understand the moral and emotional forces that govern us then perhaps we can learn to do without the social addiction of dictatorship.

Here is a link:

Revolution of Reality

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Slipping Away

"In the Groove" by Drew John Tankerseley

Happy sez-  Summer days are going full force but that endless season will soon be ending, school will start and the long hot days of carefree sun will turn into short, cold and blustery days with a quick and sudden nightfall turning our days of summer into only a longing and a memory.  Take heart my friends even though summer is slowly slipping away we know that when winter has it's grip on us summer will be only a spring away.

a link:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Here's one of our newest creations - Please check out our store at  
I hope you will take time to browse through all our fine products from bags to watches from wallets to jigsaw puzzles from phone cases to cards and if you don't see it -ask and well see if we can put it together just for you!  Perfect for back to school or the office! Large Messinger Bag by Happy Colors Messenger Bag

It's Still Strange

"Mitosis" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- It has often been said that life is funny and it is that, it can also be sad, frustrating and full of joy.  Life can be all those things and more but most of all life can be odd which is what most people mean when they say life is funny.  It's odd, sometimes very odd.  It's not just the twist and turns of fate that can be odd,but the people and animals and what they do that can seem odd at first but often when you see what they've done and why they did it at the time then sometimes, quite often, it makes sense.The universe also makes sense the more we understand the laws that govern that universe and that that's in it.  Perhaps if we came to realize that all things follow natural laws, even morality and emotions, then the world might not seem so odd after all.  But it's still pretty damn strange. 

Here"s some links:

Revolution of Reality odd strange

Sunday, August 9, 2015

I am making a few new products at my store and this is one of them - please check them out and there will be many more new ones in the weeks and months to come!

Time for a Commercial

"Soft Green" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez-  Time for a short commercial for back to school - In the subtlest of terms - Please Check out my store at*  - including some great messenger bags by rickshaw !!!  

Thank You! 

Please use above link or add http://www. before zazzle !  

More new products all the time

Colors are Bitchin' Man

"Field of Diamonds" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Colors  are cool things.  They are pretty, they are interesting.  Color is a lot like things in the universe including us, all vibrating at different frequencies giving off or I should say reflecting light at different wavelengths or frequencies, giving everything it's own characteristics and personality.  Colors are a property of light not darkness and we can only see them, they only exist for us in the light.  Like most things good.  Colors can trigger and enhance emotions, giving us an insight into the frequencies of emotion, perhaps allowing us to calculate emotions with mathematics.  Colors - manifestations of light, reflection, refraction and frequencies are truly, as we used to say back in the '60s, Bitchin' Man!

Here's some links:

Revolution of Reality
ballet austin - color theory properties of color

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Whispy Thoughts

" Blue Hole" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  As summer peaks, we notice but without full acknowledgement, that the days are growing shorter and somewhere in the back of our minds the wispy thoughts of  school and Thanksgiving are starting to take shape.  The cycle is slowly coming around, and life is alive.  Thank God.

Here is a link:

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Time for Your Soul

" The Swell" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez-  This painting of an ocean swell is reminiscent of summer and one of summers icons - the ocean and the beach.  Spending time watching that body of water that is the womb of life is, I think like looking at a flower or watching a summer storm in the desert, good for the soul.  Enjoy the busy days of summer but take to reflect, take time for your soul.

Here's a link:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Abilty to Bring Evil

"Air and Water" by Drew John Tamkersley

Happy sez-  Going through life is, as they say a trip, a journey to life's unknown final destination with all kinds of twists and turns along the way.  We all start off differently, we all end up differently from where we start as well as from each other, and the life in between is unique to ourselves and ever changing.  We all, man and animal, are endowed with certain things by our creator: we are given a life, we are born to be free, and we are born to live that life, and within that life we are all given a unique set of challenges and problems, talents and blessings.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Attitude of Life

"Summer Breeze" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   These beautiful summer days are usually filled with the things of summer and rightly so but it is also a time for a little

Monday, August 3, 2015

Filling the Days of Summer

" Cindy's Afternoon Storm" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sezs-  This is a beautiful time of year in the northern hemisphere, the heart of the summer.  Hot days, blue skies with white clouds broken by the occasional thunderstorm.  It's the type of days that make you want to go out and do all the summery things, swimming and boating, hiking and exploring places you have never seen and taking road trips to places you have never been.  Time is also well spent in the summer daydreaming and watching clouds.  Whatever you chose to fill you long summer days fill them well with goodness, contemplation, action and joy.

Here's some links:


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Take the High Road

"Vibrant Trail" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- As we go through our lives we have an often overwhelming amount of choices including the constant changing of our life trail.  This life path of ours is often compared to a road or trail across the land rather than the path of a sub-atomic particle even though the rules that govern our life may be closer to those that govern the particles of life rather than those that govern a trip through space-time, but be that as it may we as human animals understand a trip across the desert or over the mountains more that we understand our lives.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Loving Warmth of Summer

"Sky on a Purple and Green Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  High summer is here -  sunlight, freedom and joy - where the carefree warmth of the summer sun can lovingly warm your face even inside your air conditioned day.  Times of dreams, times of action, one fulfills the other - as summer fulfills the winter.

Hers a couple of links:

Summer Dreams - song - says it well solstice

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Pivot Point

"Through the Barrier" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- As I look at the world around me I see a lot of happy things but I also see a lot of unhappy things, and while the world and life and indeed reality are always in a state of flux there seems to be certain times, perhaps every few decades when the world makes a huge and decisive pivot toward it's new reality, and I believe that if I were a fly on the wall of history

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Story Night Blue Sky Morn

"Stormy Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Many storms have I seen and many blue skies there have been.  Knowing that each storm will not be the last, never knowing which day will be your last, you ride out each stormy day with a blue sky expected in the morn not Gabrielle blowing his horn.  A day is done, tempest tested and still standing am I, blue sky breaking, a new day of hope is in the making.

Here's a link:

Friday, July 10, 2015


"The Pinwheel" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Day by day we take our lives, living them the way we do in the days that we are given.  Dreams large and reality small we do what we do when we do it and when we are through we are gone.  Dreams large and reality small, that dreams are larger than reality is the dreams scepter of rule, for when reality is gone do not dreams remain?  In that dreams remain then does not reality return allowing the  dreamer of a dream an immortality?

The special dream that is Tony filled that ultimate immortality July Eighth of this year leaving a hole of emptiness, a void never filled.

Monday, July 6, 2015


"Electric Blue" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Life, like a road, has many milestones between the two personally most important ones, birth and death.  Each life on this planet has it's own milestones in their own way, some are big like the birth of a child, the start of a lifelong career or a debilitating illness, some are small like the first kiss or the first permanent tooth. 
Whatever they may be they like all the events in our life, help to define our life .  But it is the milestones, the large events along with our beliefs that help shape our lives, chart our future and define our past.  Some milestones we have control over, other we don't, but it is the ones that we can control that gives us a life with choices and it is the choices we make that allow us to live the life we want.  Make sure that the choices you make bring you the milestones you want.

Here's a link:

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Summer is Here!

"Color Lightning" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  Here it is the day after the fourth of July and summer is now in full swing with beautiful weather in most places, perfect for picnics and pleasure.  Summer seems to go on forever sometimes and we have a tendency to think it will last forever, but like all things it will come to a end opening up the door to fall and winter, leaving us our memories and recollections.  So go out and enjoy the summer.

Here is a link:

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Blessed Forth of July

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Today we celebrate one of the happiest events ever to happen to the human race - America.
We are an extraordinary nation made by extraordinary people by, for and because of extraordinary beliefs.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Blessed by An Angel

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  The tale I am about to tell is one that needs to be told, one that I have told in the past and one that needs to be told over and over again. This story is absolutely true and is about a little boy or an angel -  you be the judge

Thursday, June 25, 2015

They Have Hands

"In the Grain" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I wonder what animals think when they see a human.  Two, four legged or more when they see us they know we are different, we think different and we have hands:

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Slow March

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Here we are in the first few days of official summer and even though the days are getting slightly shorter each day, we still have the long days with the long, slow, soft evenings and nights stretching out

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Solstice and Daddy

"Jungle Temple" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers out there ( I know, I've heard the old joke about Happy Fathers Day you mothers) so we'll let that go, also happy summer solstice, the longest day of the year at least

Monday, June 15, 2015

More Power to Ya

"Water Going Over a Cliff"by Drew John Tankersley
 Happy sez-  I sometimes watch the Andy Griffith Show, an old TV show set in the mythical town of Mayberry, North Carolina.  I once lived in North Carolina away back up in the Blue Ridge Mountains in a little hamlet called