Sunday, August 23, 2015

Summer has it's Season

"Water Over a Cliff" by Drew JohnTankersley

Happy sez-  While it's summer still, school is starting in many places and talk of pumpkins is whispered about timidly, but with temperatures still in the 110s in some places the frost is not yet on that pumpkin.  Traveling around this great land of ours it's easy to see how each place in this country has in each season it's own beauty from the beautiful forests of the Blue Ridge that seem to shade not only the land but the soul as well, to the vast open nakedness of the western deserts that seem to reach forever.  This magnificent creation which is our Earth is home to all life that we know of and even though life is tough and tenuous it is our Earth given to us as we are given to it by our creator that allows us all to flourish. So enjoy the remainder of the summer, for summer like all things, has it's season.

Here's a link:

Bible ecc.3.

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