Sunday, August 9, 2015

Colors are Bitchin' Man

"Field of Diamonds" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Colors  are cool things.  They are pretty, they are interesting.  Color is a lot like things in the universe including us, all vibrating at different frequencies giving off or I should say reflecting light at different wavelengths or frequencies, giving everything it's own characteristics and personality.  Colors are a property of light not darkness and we can only see them, they only exist for us in the light.  Like most things good.  Colors can trigger and enhance emotions, giving us an insight into the frequencies of emotion, perhaps allowing us to calculate emotions with mathematics.  Colors - manifestations of light, reflection, refraction and frequencies are truly, as we used to say back in the '60s, Bitchin' Man!

Here's some links:

Revolution of Reality
ballet austin - color theory properties of color

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