Thursday, September 17, 2015

On Point

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I like a great number of people think of life as a journey and the closeness of that analogy is inescapable.  While the end of that journey is the point of that journey,  along the way the path or paths you take can lead you to many places, you can be many things and have many goals during that great adventure we call life.  We can never be sure what our purpose on this world may be, some are blessed with the faith that living your life to be the best  person you can be you will ultimately fulfill your purpose even though you may never know what it is.  Others may have been blessed with a feeling that they are striving for something, a certain goal perhaps a certain standard with distinct and direct ideas on where they are going and how they are going to get there, both are a good thing and either way it is a plan for our lives or a map of our life's path and the journey it takes us on. Whether or not we know our purpose in this life while in this life, we all have to choose a direction and a path with the goals of our life on the way to that final point.   As we follow the path we have chosen and our plan to reach the goals we have set for ourselves we do our best to stay on target, on our path and on point, but as when traveling on a real path things are not always the way you think they are or should be, a tree has fallen across your path or the trail markers get washed out or over grown - it's how people get lost both in the world and in life.  It's also how, and why, our paths and our directions change, they change to fit the new realities that life, dynamic by it's very nature, keeps throwing at you.  One wants to strive to stay on point with your goals, but one has to remember that those goals will change though out your life for many reasons and while you and your goals may change the main point at the end of your life will not.

Here is a couple of links:

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