Saturday, July 4, 2015

Blessed Forth of July

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Today we celebrate one of the happiest events ever to happen to the human race - America.
We are an extraordinary nation made by extraordinary people by, for and because of extraordinary beliefs.

We were the first nation whose founding was predicated on the belief that we did not need a king or Pharaoh or emperor to rule us, we could rule ourselves and the reason why we could rule ourselves and do not need a government or the state to rule us and grant us our rights is that our rights do not come from or through or is in any way dependent on the government, they come instead directly and individually from our creator. As our rights come to us directly from our creator and not from or through or modified by anyone or any institution, they also come individually to us, not dependent or connected in any way with anyone else.  There are no such things as collective rights or collective salvation.  Our rights are very personal between us and God.

 During the time of our nations birth slavery was a prominent part of  life rampant in nearly all corners of the world, but our nation was the first nation founded on the belief that all men are created equal with equal rights, that a king or emperor was not better than us, but equal to us and therefore had no authority over us.  There is a burning desire for freedom that lies in the hearts of all, and it was America that was the first nation founded on the principle that all are created equal and free.  That is why our founders were not just white, but black as well. Nearly half of the deaths at America's first battle for freedom were from black founders, minutemen from a nearby inter-racial church.   Even though slavery was deeply rooted in the southern colonies it was not in the northern colonies and a toss up in the mid-Atlantic colonies and was until the invention of the cotton gin pretty much on the way out. With about seventy-five percent of the signers of the constitution abolitionist it was people like Washington, himself later in life a reluctant slave owner, that championed the gradual (so as not to disrupt society like the civil war did) freeing of slaves. The laws of 1808 including the outlawing of the slave trade went a long way toward that goal until the democrat controlled congress of 1820 was elected and over turned those laws.

 In spite of that which resulted in our nations bloodiest war and our other faults we're the true nation of freedom, the blueprint of liberty and equality, a force for good in the world.  That is why people from all over the world line up to come here to do something they can do no other place - become Americans. You cannot go to any other nation and become one of them, even though you might live there and apply for citizenship, your history will never allow you to become Japanese, or Mexican, but here where we are a melting pot of all cultures you can become part of our culture - you can become American.

 This nation was founded on the belief in an Almighty God, and that founding was guided by that God and His principles and under His authority.  It is that God that granted us this nation with many examples of Divine Intervention cited by our founders.  That is why it is only fitting the new nations largest church service was held each Sunday in the Capital and some of our nations first school readers were Bibles furnished by the government.

May God continue to Bless and shine His Grace upon this nation and it's people and may we continue to earn it.

Here are some important links:
black perspective
on morals
Bible as textbook

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