Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Abilty to Bring Evil

"Air and Water" by Drew John Tamkersley

Happy sez-  Going through life is, as they say a trip, a journey to life's unknown final destination with all kinds of twists and turns along the way.  We all start off differently, we all end up differently from where we start as well as from each other, and the life in between is unique to ourselves and ever changing.  We all, man and animal, are endowed with certain things by our creator: we are given a life, we are born to be free, and we are born to live that life, and within that life we are all given a unique set of challenges and problems, talents and blessings.
It is of course our responsibility what we do with those challenges and talents, how we go through that life.  Life they also say is a learning process, a process of learning not only about life itself and all the wonders of the world but is is perhaps to a larger extent a process of learning about yourself, what kind of a human, what kind of an animal you really are. When I was younger, I went through life thinking I was alert and sharp that I was fairly smart and "hip" to the world around me, and I was right - in a very small sense.  Most of everything I didn't even see, I still don't know what I missed or what I don't know, for life is filled with more than you can know - perhaps that is part of the wonder of life, like being in a room filled with choices  that stretches for eternity.  One thing is certain life will generally forces you to take a look at not only your life as well as life itself, but it will almost certainly force you look at yourself.  Sometimes  things are easy to see, both your road blocks and your talents, sometimes they're not so easy to see, sometimes they are hidden just out of sight.  It is often through adversity that we find our talents and blessings, and through failure we find our flaws.
 We all, human and animal, take this journey, and we all - for man is animal - have our life to live and our unique legacy to leave.  We must remember that it is sometimes far easier to see the things that we like to see, that our sight can often come through our egos causing problems not only for ourselves but for those around us.  As humans we're are gifted with many special things, and we have been able to do things and create things that no other animal has achieved and as such we often have a tendency to think we are better than not only each other and our fellow animals but we often think that we know better than the one who created us. Even though we are aware and prideful of our accomplishments we do not know what we are missing, what we can not do, what we did not do that we should have.  Whether you believe it as fact or an allegory there is a reason, and we should be mindful of it, that we got kicked out of the garden of Eden, and that of all the animals it's only man that has the ability to bring evil.

Some links:

lazaris - a bit odd but the lecture on dominon and domination that is well worth it

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