Thursday, September 3, 2015

Privilage of Life

"Sky on a Green and Purple Night"by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  We are now into September and the beautiful moon full a few days ago is now starting it's wan toward the next cycle of light and dark, next cycle of tides and life.   In the northern hemisphere summer is slowly giving it's warmth for the fall colors and in many places the children are off to school. In the American southwest the desert winds are starting their heralding of fall by blowing the heat out as they blow the heat in in the spring, and life's cycle is slowly turning to fall.  If we are one of those individuals on the planet lucky enough to be blessed with the ability and freedom to step away from our personal troubles for a bit then it is easy to see the beauty in the universe and the joy in life and you realize that it has been not just a honor but a privilege to be a part of it.  Thank God

Here some links:

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