Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Attitude of Life

"Summer Breeze" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   These beautiful summer days are usually filled with the things of summer and rightly so but it is also a time for a little
contemplation of those days and that which is given us.  We are given a life of a certain number of days and in that life we are given certain things to go with it - certain handicaps and disabilities creating problems unique to just you, but we are also given certain gifts, talents and skills different from anybody else, unique to just yourself giving us the dynamic balance that is our life.  It is up to us what we put into our lives, honor or shame, joy or disappointment, anguish or contentment that gives us the outcome of our life.   If we were to put honor and joy into a life that by many standards is considered wretched, is not that better that putting anguish and disappointment into a life of privilege?  While our life is given to us with it's own unique set of problems and gifts it is in many ways up to us, and the attitude toward our life, the attitude of our life, what we put into our life.  If we have an attitude of entitlement, of anguish, of greed then your life will reflect those characteristics and values, and if you have and attitude of facing challenges come what may, and attitude of joy, of compassion then your life will reflect those characteristics.  It would only follow, like a natural law,  that you put good things, good characteristics, into your life you will have a good life with in the frame of reference that defines your life as compared to putting bad things, bad characteristics in to your life.

Our lives I believes are filled with so many good things, so many blessings and so much talent in so many directions, I believe we only use a small portion of it, and as you get older you look back upon your life and see that there was talent that was never used and blessings that were never fully appreciated, and it makes you realize how much we are all really blessed.

Here is some link:

Revolution of Reality

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