Friday, September 18, 2015

Why You Do It

"Color Lighting" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Another beautiful day in many parts of the country, especially the great American deserts.  The sun is shinning, the winds are calm and the temps are great - not too hot, not too cold.  It is the kind of day that makes you happy to be alive, a day that makes you want to sing. It is also the kind of day that makes you want to pause for reflection, to stop for a moment and think about your life.  Is this day being spent well?  Is what I am doing a good use of this day and this life? While it matters what your goals are and how you achieve them, but in your day to day life whether you're working on a cure for cancer or just kicking back and feeling groovy, what matters most I think is why you're doing it, why your living the life the way you do.  Is it a life devoted to doing the right thing or what you want?  Is is a life of compassion or a life thinking only of yourself?  Is it a life full of concern for others or a life of vanity? Not only is what you do and how you do it important, but it is also important why you do it.

Here's a link: mark twain

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