Saturday, October 10, 2015

God's Light

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- 
The focus of our lives is usually on ourselves from the time we are an infant on and this is quite natural, after all it is our life and we are the ones that have to live it.  When we are growing up and coming of age that is the time we are learning about life and it’s rules as quickly as we can so that when we do come of age we can live that life in the way that suits us best individually. That is why
our rights come to us individually not collectively.  After we mature and begin our lives in earnest it is easy to concentrate on ourselves, on getting done that which we want done, to focus on our needs, on what we want.  It is true that we need ego to accomplish things, but that ego can become a demon feeding us lies and vanity. It is that ego that causes us to think what we want is more important than what God wants, it is that ego that tells us we know better than God: don’t listen to him - listen to yourselves. An analogy, I believe often and aptly used might be that of a person who decided to set sail away from God’s shore to see what lies beyond - then gets into a storm, loses all steerage because you lost all laws, knows not where you are because you lost sight of God, adrift and you're feeling abandoned, but in truth it was you that abandoned God for God does not abandon   The only way out of that storm is to look for and follow God’s Light.

Here's a link:
Brief History of John Newton

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