Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sources of Life's Barriers

"John's Squares" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez- We go through life, we go through ups and downs, everyone has their problem, trials and tribulations - no one goes through life unscathed.  Barriers of all types, barriers from all sources and barriers for all reasons are put across our life paths.  Let's take a quick look at a couple of those barriers, where they come from and why.  In the February 2 post one of the things I talked
about is how some barriers you could overcome, giving you a sense of accomplishment, some you could not giving you a sense of humility and that is true, both of those different outcomes giving a positive result in the end - teaching a sense of achievement and how to accomplish that or giving one a necessary felling of humility both coming from and resulting in a positive frame of reference, giving a positive reality.  But what of other situations situations arising from a frame of reference or reality that is not of a positive nature? If the universe can blow a fortuative turn of events then surely it can also turn an ill wind to those events.

Sometimes life can go on with it's everyday ups and downs, other times it may seem as if the barriers that were put in your way all result in a one way or another, a good out come, other times nothing of any good for any one can come of it. So it would appear to me, one that believes in good and evil, that life's barriers, for the most part, comes from these three sources:
  1. The normal things of day to day life in general, and usually you in particular, will put in your path.
  2. Sometimes the devil puts barriers in your path.
  3. Sometimes God puts barriers in your path.  
The wisdom is knowing the difference and what, if anything you can do about it, a great topic for another post.  Let me know what you think.

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