Saturday, February 28, 2015

Getting Your Dishes Done

"Summer Breeze" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Well, well well - here we are two- thirds of the first quarter of the year gone and I barely have the dishes done, my how time flies!  So what happens? Our lives are caught in some oscillating time warp, or is it just a bad case of disorganization?  Could it be forgetfulness?  Surely not any hint of laziness, perhaps the
inability to muli-task well.  Personally I am blaming my lack of getting everything done in perfect shape with perfect timing on a combination of all the above, plus a large helping of who I am.  I can try to improve and better myself and perhaps in some ways, with our makers help I can but I am still who I am, and perfect efficiency  is not a big part of my makeup.  But still, I should at least had the dishes put away by now.

Let me know what you think,  Should I have had the dishes put away by now?  Do you ever feel as if you are getting nothing done?  Did you get more than your dishes done?

Here are some interesting links:
Psychology Today
azlyrics Washing Dishes

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