Friday, February 27, 2015

Historical View

"Jungle Temple" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Today like every day is different but also the same as yesterday in many ways - after all it's, as a song famously said, only a day away.  You keep stacking up those days, yesterday, the day before, the day
before that and so on then pretty soon you have a little bit of a view of your life rather than one slice of a time like a single view out of a CAT or CT scan.  Each slice or each day out of your life you can easily see the close up detail of the day but it is when you put those individual days together you start getting a better view of the overall picture of the life that is.  It is your History, it is you.  History does matter.

Some links of interest:
Song - Tomorrow
Radiology info

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