Monday, February 2, 2015

Greatest Barrier of All

"Through the Barrier" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  One thing seems certain to most  people - life has it's barriers.  I don't think I have ever heard of anyone in all of history that has gone through life with no barriers at all impeding them, and if there is, then Heaven help us and Heaven help them.  Most of us, myself included, feel we have enough if not too many
barriers slow us down, stop us, sidetracking us, but those same barriers gives us a sense of achievement when we overcome them, and a sense of humility when we can't, those same barriers also teach us about not only what we're doing and how to do it but who we are and what we are when we fail as well as when we win. While some barriers can be life crippling, when we look around it is not often we can't find someone who is worse off in many ways than us -  to many of us, much too often those barriers offer not a stair step to an achievement but a platform for excuses.  That is, perhaps the greatest barrier of all.

Here are some interesting links:

Web md
Tentmaker - Quotes excuses

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