Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Groove of our Lives

"In the Groove" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  When you walk somewhere over wild country where nobody has walked before you are creating a path, a trail and walking that first time over rough, uneven ground can be difficult, because you are
creating a path, a groove that makes walking that path the next time and the time after that easier.  Much the same can be said about life, each time we do something we are creating a path, a groove for the next time which will make whatever it is we do easier, whether it's a habit, a task or a way of thought that a life is built upon.  It is when the path gets worn in and the going gets smooth we say we are in the groove meaning that we are in a smooth spot in our task or journey, that we are functioning at our optimum.  Lets hope that the pathways we are forming in our lives are the paths to a good groove and we stay in that groove, the groove of our lives.

Here are some interesting links:
Idioms - the free
Origin of Phrase
Happy Science - a Buddist perspective

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