Monday, January 19, 2015

Renewal and Rebirth

"Mitosis" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- We now find ourselves still in the dead of winter but at that time of the year when the days are noticeably longer than they were a few weeks ago at the solstice, a time when the promise of renewal and rebirth is not yet fulfilled but we can now see in the the movement of the heavens the inevitability of that fulfillment.  Each time of the year, like each time of day has it's own special place in our lives, all interconnected - we must know the fall to know the sunset,
and we must know the spring to know the dawn.  It is not only the different times of the day and seasons that we must know, but it is what the changes from morn to night and winter to summer mean and why they mean it that we must know to know ourselves, our place and our destiny as individuals and a world.  Rebirth and renewal.   

Is not rebirth and renewal all around us all of the time in one form or another, renewal not just for the universe as a whole but rebirth for us as individuals, a part of that whole.  Renewal and rebirth can perhaps take many forms and occur in many ways - perhaps death itself is a type of rebirth and renewal, freeing us from time and space to a new existence much as old stars are reborn into the stuff of new stars to shine with an energy capable of giving worlds life, light and beauty.

Let Happy know what you think, I'd really like to know.

Here is some interesting links:      ( Notice the painting's title)     
Google Images - Rebirth and Renewal
Cornell - Astronomy

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