Friday, January 16, 2015

Stupidity and Sin

"Soft Energy" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez-  I've been thinking a lot lately about stupidity and sin, something that I and I think most people are at least a little bit familiar with.  I don't think that most people, myself included are that stupid or that sinful but I think that every one has their fair share of each, at least I know I have.  One of the things I've noticed is that stupid and sin seem to go hand in hand, one bringing with it the other and both seem destined to stay with mortal man.
  While it has been said that there is no cure for stupidity, it has also been said that silence is the only successful substitute for brains ( both great sayings, I wish I knew who originated them), for sin there is the Bible and something I have in tried to ignore and that is God given self-control.  I often went through life thinking of self control as an interesting concept but surely not something that I personally had to consider.  That was usually followed by strong bouts of stupidity, or occasionally strong bouts of stupidity would cast  any gossamer veil of self control aside revealing the alluring temptations of sin.

Sin, like stupidity can take take many forms, and many different degrees.  I used to work with a wise old lady, Mabel, years ago out in a very isolated spot in the desert far from town, we didn't get many days off so when we had one we made the most of them.  When most of us would go to town, we would go shopping, do the laundry and then go out to perhaps a show and nice dinner.  In between and usually before and certainly after dinner there would be drinks, let me rephrase that - DRINKS. When ever Mabel would get ready to go to town she would say "I'm getting ready to go sinning".  When Mabel, an older lady in her sixties got to town and got her laundry and shopping done she was usually quite thirsty, in fact she was mighty dry by the time we got to town so by the time dinner was over she was standing out on the sidewalk passing out shrimp cocktails she had bought to strangers with a cherry hello, until most if not all her paycheck would be gone, then it would be home with a hangover.  Some people called her stupid.  I also worked years ago for a rich, rather well known and much acclaimed doctor who would behave terrible to people, cheating and lying to them. I remember an elderly women one time fell on the front steps of a retail business he owned in a remote location, when he was informed that it would be a hour before an ambulance would arrive he looked at the old woman, who was screaming in agony, with disgust and disdain and told his employees  to get her out of here she's bad for business. 

Mabel was stupid and sinful.
Doctor was brilliant and benevolent


Sin and stupidity,as I said can take on many forms, and can be called many things.   Listen not for what it's called, watch instead for what it does.   

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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The Cripplegate.
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