Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Magic of the World

"Soft Green" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  A soft and gentle rain fell last night and it was about an hour before the first light that I quietly  stepped outside.  The rain had stopped and the air had that great feeling you only get after a rain with the
streets and sidewalks glistening from the light cast by the street lamps.  The rain, like the night was warm with not a breath of air moving and indeed for a time the world shared with me it's true wonder.  It is times like these that the magic shows through the everyday world we see and live in most of the time.  It's times like these we see our world, our universe and ourselves for what we really are - Magical ! 

Let me know - do you see the magic?  When and How?  Let me know.

Here are some interesting links:
Magic of God
Yahoo answers
Science: How stuff works
Scientific American
Lovin Spoonful

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