Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ancient Elements

 "Air and Water" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- Air, water, fire and earth have for many centuries stood for the basic characteristics of our world and our lives.  These four "elements" as the ancients called them gave them a known perspective
through which they could understand the world, and so it goes today, as we for the most part in our day to day lives still view our surroundings through these four perspectives.  We have developed disciplines and technologies through the centuries to delve into the essence of each from understanding the sub-atomic world that allows atoms and molecules to exist to the wonder of cosmology that gives them a universe to exist in, yet man like the earth creatures we are, still looks and thinks of things in our everyday lives in the terms of the basics - air, water, fire and earth.

What do you think?  Do think we still think in the basic terms of the ancients? Let me know.

Here's some interesting links:
Interactive Periodic Table
Earth Air Water Fire - Being In Your Element. 
Revolution of Reality

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