Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Groove of our Lives

"In the Groove" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  When you walk somewhere over wild country where nobody has walked before you are creating a path, a trail and walking that first time over rough, uneven ground can be difficult, because you are

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ancient Elements

 "Air and Water" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- Air, water, fire and earth have for many centuries stood for the basic characteristics of our world and our lives.  These four "elements" as the ancients called them gave them a known perspective

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Magic of the World

"Soft Green" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  A soft and gentle rain fell last night and it was about an hour before the first light that I quietly  stepped outside.  The rain had stopped and the air had that great feeling you only get after a rain with the

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Point of Life

"To The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   Life can have many points; to get married and raise a family, to be successful however you might define it, to strive for something, to have goals, certain standards, these are a part of and the point of our lives.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Plans and Dreams

"Busy Day" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  We often fill our busy days living life the only way we can; the way it comes at us in our day to day lives.  Planning and planning ahead is not only sound judgement, common as well as survival sense and a wise policy -  but true wisdom, I think comes in realizing that the circumstances your plans are predicated on

Monday, January 19, 2015

Renewal and Rebirth

"Mitosis" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- We now find ourselves still in the dead of winter but at that time of the year when the days are noticeably longer than they were a few weeks ago at the solstice, a time when the promise of renewal and rebirth is not yet fulfilled but we can now see in the the movement of the heavens the inevitability of that fulfillment.  Each time of the year, like each time of day has it's own special place in our lives, all interconnected - we must know the fall to know the sunset,

Friday, January 16, 2015

Stupidity and Sin

"Soft Energy" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez-  I've been thinking a lot lately about stupidity and sin, something that I and I think most people are at least a little bit familiar with.  I don't think that most people, myself included are that stupid or that sinful but I think that every one has their fair share of each, at least I know I have.  One of the things I've noticed is that stupid and sin seem to go hand in hand, one bringing with it the other and both seem destined to stay with mortal man.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Braking of Life

"In the Grain" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez-  Every time, indeed every moment of each day of the year has it's own unique qualities and special feel.  The soft pastels of a long summer eve, the crisp late morning in the snow-covered winter, a spring afternoon filled with blue sky and wildflowers.  It is however, that special time of early morn before the eastern sky even thinks of showing a sliver of dawn,  that quite time when the early arising humans and animals are just beginning to stir, and those that live in the world of  night are preparing for it's repose that hold my thoughts.  It is then by a candles glow I often sit thinking of thoughts great and small, for it is the time of day that starts the life of the day and all the matters of the day begin, things of great consequences and things that matter not at all.  Then as the new day starts, it is not just the braking of the sun in the eastern sky, but the breaking of the future, the breaking of life. 

What's your thought on the different times of day during different times of the year?  Do you have a favorite?

Here are some interesting links:

U.S. Gov't
Monet's Colors
Gov"t - NIH
Google Images - different times of day

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy Talk

"Jungle River" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- I recently heard that great old song from South Pacific, "Happy Talk".  Happy talk,  I would imagine can mean a lot of things, but in most instances I would take it to mean pleasant chit - chat as in the weather or how nice the roses are looking, or it could be another type of  happy talk, where as the song said you talk about dreams, the kind of dreams where you soar amongst the stars, the kind of dreams where you walk on the moon.  I do a lot of talking, but not much is really happy talk, a lot of the talking that I and I think most of us do, like our reading and writing is concerned with the transference of data rather than ideas or emotions.  It's true we of course have some happy talk in our lives for if we didn't talk of dreams no dreams would ever become reality and if we didn't have pleasant chit - chat about the roses and weather we would all surly go out of our minds. (or should it be further out?)  What do you think?  Do you have enough happy talk in your life?  What is happy talk to you,  how do you make happy talk?  Let me know what you think.

Here are some happy links:
lyrics.Rodgers And Hammerstein: Happy Talk

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy and Blue

'Blue Hole" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- All colors and I hope most people have some happiness in them, colors like most people can be different under different lighting and at different times depending on the mood of the moment and shade of  perspective.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Swell Post

" The Swell" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-I was going to save this painting until summer but the temptation to use this for a for one last New Year's post was overwhelming - OK ready - Have a SWELL New Year !!!  Sorry, but Ol' Happy sometimes gets these stupid and silly but SWELL punnys and I just can't help myself.  I do however plan to try to keep these impulses under tight control (of course control, especially self-control, has never been one of Happy's strong suits) in the New Year.

A great number of people make a New Year's resolution, and I believe a great number of people also break their resolution often within the first month or so.  I often did the same making and soon breaking that

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

"Vibrant Flow" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez- Another day, another year and for those that awoke before light and was a part of the birth of a morning or to those that rallied the the suns explosion of a new dawn from the bleary-eyed perspective of  life's celebrations and to all in between Happy sez-  have GOOD AND HAPPY (sez-) NEW YEAR!!

Happy sez-
Nearly a half century ago when the blush of youth was still upon my cheek, a fine and wise old lady from the hills of Tennessee gave me a cure one morning after for that which was ailing me something mighty terrible from the night before:  she took a glass of milk which was something foreign and frightening to my body then proceeded to break and stir into that milk a raw egg. When she handed that ghastly mixture to  me with the admonishment to drink and drink it all at once, I felt I had three choices: 1. I could suddenly bolt to the bathroom  2. I could just die right now on the spot, or 3. I could choose a still certain but more interesting death so I took the mixture and with out thinking ( I had a lot of practice at that the night before) I drink it down suddenly and swiftly.  When the mixture stayed, with much rumblings, where I put it, I gave it about three minutes or so and suddenly the thought that life might go on glimmered then started to shine brighter like a beacon of hope.  I thought I would share this with you just in case.