Sunday, March 1, 2015

Summer Thinking

"Summer Lines" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I thought a bright and summery painting might be appropriate even though in many places it is still the dead of winter, to remind people that life has it's bright and summery side, sometimes we just have to
be patient and wait.  Patience is a topic, an extremely important topic that could easily fill many volumes, and one that wants exploration and discussion though out our lives and hopefully though out this blog, but suffice it to say that for today it is the patience to wait for summer and all the changes in life and season that summer brings, for truly it not just a season but a way of thinking as well.
I hope this helps, when you look out a window to a snowbound scene, to remember that summer is not that far away, and that summer can be found right now today, as impossible as it seems, in your head.  Happy Summer!

Some interesting links:
Brainy quote

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