Monday, August 31, 2015

Vanity Included

"Summer Lines" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  It has been said that one can find beauty in every thing if one looks for it and that is true, it has also been said that you find what you are looking for, if your looking for beauty or love or good you find that, if your looking ugly, hate or trouble and bad you find that, and that also if true, and perhaps that is why in the universe you find every thing under the sun.  Including vanity.

here's a link:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Only On A Full Moon

"John's Squares" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Last night was the first night of a beautiful full moon right on the edge of August and September.
people were out and about as always but as always there seemed to be that particular tempo that is unique to the full moon. It seems odd at first but I guess it is really quite natural that Earth's living things, or terramanity, are subject to the forces that act upon our Earth such as the moons gravitational pull, making  not just the physical things of Earth subject to the moons pull but the emotional, moral side of life as well.  Some say this is not so, and perhaps it's not, perhaps it's only in my mind, that I only seem to imagine it every full moon.. But then again it only happens on a full moon.
Here's link or so for you:

Revolution of Reality

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Summer has it's Season

"Water Over a Cliff" by Drew JohnTankersley

Happy sez-  While it's summer still, school is starting in many places and talk of pumpkins is whispered about timidly, but with temperatures still in the 110s in some places the frost is not yet on that pumpkin.  Traveling around this great land of ours it's easy to see how each place in this country has in each season it's own beauty from the beautiful forests of the Blue Ridge that seem to shade not only the land but the soul as well, to the vast open nakedness of the western deserts that seem to reach forever.  This magnificent creation which is our Earth is home to all life that we know of and even though life is tough and tenuous it is our Earth given to us as we are given to it by our creator that allows us all to flourish. So enjoy the remainder of the summer, for summer like all things, has it's season.

Here's a link:

Bible ecc.3.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Landscapes and Terramanity

"The Pinwheel" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Someone once told me when I was just a young man and just starting to travel a bit that there were all kinds of different types of land because there were all kinds of different types of people.  This like many types of wisdom or truth is so obvious that you need someone to point it out to you.  There are many

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy sez-  Check out my store at zazzle featuring the great art of Drew John Tankersley at
               Here is a new product featuring a version of " The Pinwheel" sculpted onto one of Rickshaw Bags quality Messenger bags - perfect for back to school as well as every day use.Large Messenger Bag by Happy Colors

Dictators and Addictions

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I think that if I were a fly on the wall of history I would see that in each time in each generation there are groups of people that fall for a dictator like a bad addiction.  And like a bad addiction at first with a dictator it is a sense of salvation and instant love then the realization that love has turned to dependence then oppression and love is now the realization of hate.  This addiction to dictators is not, I think, a cultural, historical or racial phenomenon but is simply the result of natural forces and their natural laws.  Are not we all at one time or another in history subject to this dictator addiction regardless of race or culture? Who today have or in the future will fall prey to this, and what can we do, as a species to offset this if anything?  Perhaps we should treat this as we treat other natural phenomenon by trying to understand it and any natural laws that govern it. These moral forces are not just hap-hazard circumstances of fate but follow natural laws that can be defined and calculated like the other forces of nature such the electromagnetic force or gravity.  If we can understand the moral and emotional forces that govern us then perhaps we can learn to do without the social addiction of dictatorship.

Here is a link:

Revolution of Reality

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Slipping Away

"In the Groove" by Drew John Tankerseley

Happy sez-  Summer days are going full force but that endless season will soon be ending, school will start and the long hot days of carefree sun will turn into short, cold and blustery days with a quick and sudden nightfall turning our days of summer into only a longing and a memory.  Take heart my friends even though summer is slowly slipping away we know that when winter has it's grip on us summer will be only a spring away.

a link:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Here's one of our newest creations - Please check out our store at  
I hope you will take time to browse through all our fine products from bags to watches from wallets to jigsaw puzzles from phone cases to cards and if you don't see it -ask and well see if we can put it together just for you!  Perfect for back to school or the office! Large Messinger Bag by Happy Colors Messenger Bag

It's Still Strange

"Mitosis" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- It has often been said that life is funny and it is that, it can also be sad, frustrating and full of joy.  Life can be all those things and more but most of all life can be odd which is what most people mean when they say life is funny.  It's odd, sometimes very odd.  It's not just the twist and turns of fate that can be odd,but the people and animals and what they do that can seem odd at first but often when you see what they've done and why they did it at the time then sometimes, quite often, it makes sense.The universe also makes sense the more we understand the laws that govern that universe and that that's in it.  Perhaps if we came to realize that all things follow natural laws, even morality and emotions, then the world might not seem so odd after all.  But it's still pretty damn strange. 

Here"s some links:

Revolution of Reality odd strange

Sunday, August 9, 2015

I am making a few new products at my store and this is one of them - please check them out and there will be many more new ones in the weeks and months to come!

Time for a Commercial

"Soft Green" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez-  Time for a short commercial for back to school - In the subtlest of terms - Please Check out my store at*  - including some great messenger bags by rickshaw !!!  

Thank You! 

Please use above link or add http://www. before zazzle !  

More new products all the time

Colors are Bitchin' Man

"Field of Diamonds" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Colors  are cool things.  They are pretty, they are interesting.  Color is a lot like things in the universe including us, all vibrating at different frequencies giving off or I should say reflecting light at different wavelengths or frequencies, giving everything it's own characteristics and personality.  Colors are a property of light not darkness and we can only see them, they only exist for us in the light.  Like most things good.  Colors can trigger and enhance emotions, giving us an insight into the frequencies of emotion, perhaps allowing us to calculate emotions with mathematics.  Colors - manifestations of light, reflection, refraction and frequencies are truly, as we used to say back in the '60s, Bitchin' Man!

Here's some links:

Revolution of Reality
ballet austin - color theory properties of color

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Whispy Thoughts

" Blue Hole" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  As summer peaks, we notice but without full acknowledgement, that the days are growing shorter and somewhere in the back of our minds the wispy thoughts of  school and Thanksgiving are starting to take shape.  The cycle is slowly coming around, and life is alive.  Thank God.

Here is a link:

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Time for Your Soul

" The Swell" by Drew John Tankersley 

Happy sez-  This painting of an ocean swell is reminiscent of summer and one of summers icons - the ocean and the beach.  Spending time watching that body of water that is the womb of life is, I think like looking at a flower or watching a summer storm in the desert, good for the soul.  Enjoy the busy days of summer but take to reflect, take time for your soul.

Here's a link:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Abilty to Bring Evil

"Air and Water" by Drew John Tamkersley

Happy sez-  Going through life is, as they say a trip, a journey to life's unknown final destination with all kinds of twists and turns along the way.  We all start off differently, we all end up differently from where we start as well as from each other, and the life in between is unique to ourselves and ever changing.  We all, man and animal, are endowed with certain things by our creator: we are given a life, we are born to be free, and we are born to live that life, and within that life we are all given a unique set of challenges and problems, talents and blessings.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Attitude of Life

"Summer Breeze" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   These beautiful summer days are usually filled with the things of summer and rightly so but it is also a time for a little

Monday, August 3, 2015

Filling the Days of Summer

" Cindy's Afternoon Storm" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sezs-  This is a beautiful time of year in the northern hemisphere, the heart of the summer.  Hot days, blue skies with white clouds broken by the occasional thunderstorm.  It's the type of days that make you want to go out and do all the summery things, swimming and boating, hiking and exploring places you have never seen and taking road trips to places you have never been.  Time is also well spent in the summer daydreaming and watching clouds.  Whatever you chose to fill you long summer days fill them well with goodness, contemplation, action and joy.

Here's some links:
