Saturday, June 13, 2015

Under the Sun

"Busy Day" by Drew john Tankersley

Happy sez-   For most of us most days are busy days, busy living our life, what ever that may be.  For most people it means going to work, taking care of business, for others it may mean days filled with
bingo, TV or running the streets looking for trouble, for others still days are kept busy trying to survive whether in a hospital or a battlefield.  Whatever it may be we all have our lives, different lives to be sure as each of us, good, bad or indifferent is uniquely different, but we all keep our days, in our own ways busy even if doing nothing.  Nothing itself can be quite time consuming and for some is not easily accomplished even though that may be the only thing they seem suited for or as Granny in the Beverly Hillbilly's once said of Jethro "That boy could wake up in the morning with nothing to do and still only be half done by dinnertime." or something close to that.  Each time of season and each day within that season is filled with a different kind of busy, not only busy doing different things related to the season, but each season has it's own feel, it's own character, it's own spirit if you will.  What a wonderful part of life, marking the progression of time, with the progressions of the seasons, with all the different aspects of the joy and beauty God gave us under the sun.

Here's a link: Ecclesiastes (perhaps this might appropriately apply)

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