Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Momentos of the Moment

"Vibrant Earth" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Each moment of life brings with it it's own imprint sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes neither, and it is those impressions that help define and mold our life.  The other day a friend of  mine picked up a rather cranky cat to
move him off a chair and with a hiss and a half-hearted attempt to swipe my friend with claws partly out I thought that I would see a spot of red on my friends arm, a sort of memento of the moment.  And so it is - each moment of our lives leaves a memento in our lives, a string of moments creating a necklace of memories, it's who we are and what we are.  Even though the collection of life experiences that those moments bring us do indeed help define our lives and who we are we must remember that it is always easier to see the scars and think of the unpleasant and bad things most while they are fresh, but it is usually, when the dust of the years is blown off the scrapbook of our life that it is the good, the pleasant mementos of life that is remembered most.

Here's a link:

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