Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Simple things, Big Pleasure

"Anxiety" by Drew John Ttankersley

Happy sez- The other day I was taking a short drive in the country, not really going anywhere, just out to a spot where the road dead ends, a kinda quite spot - no big deal, a small thing - but what a
big pleasure it gave me, something simple giving a simple pleasure in many ways on many levels, something not so simple at all.  Like many things in life, it is the small things, the simple things that often matter the most and are by far the most important, for it is they that often turn complication and confusion into the simplicity of truth.  Yet in our busy days and busy lives are we not busy doing things that may not really be unnecessary, things that are complicated and stressful, things that allow us to forget the importance of those little, simple things?  I wonder is all our manufactured complication and artificial stress really that necessary and important?  I guess so, after all we're only human.  ( Even the animals, they stress too.)

Here's a couple of links:


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