Wednesday, June 10, 2015

LIfe's an Adventure

"Jungle River" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Out of the blue, life will come at you - good, bad and indifferent.  Whatever you may think life is going to give you, you better be prepared for the opposite, because that will be more often than not what
you may find waiting for you.  Sometimes that can work to your advantage as when you are expecting the worst and all of a sudden that bad has gone away, sometimes it can be just the opposite as when your rolling along with everything hunky dory then all of a sudden you wonder what happen and how did things turn bad and how did it happen so fast.  Remember what life brings, life can change just as quickly, when you least expect it and in ways least expected.I guess that old clique is true - Life's an Adventure!

Here's a link:

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