Sunday, September 27, 2015

See The Eclipse!

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Don't forget tonight is the the full moon and a big one as the moon is closest to the Earth tonight and to boot we have a full lunar eclipse - make sure to see it!  Check your local media for local times.

some links:

How Could It Be Any Other Way?

"Cindy's Mountain" by Drew John Tankersley
 For a Sunday Morning
Happy Sez-   The worship of God is in essence a very private thing between you, you alone and God.  Public praise and public action are also a part of the worship, but it is that relationship between you, your heart and your soul and God that is the cord between you.  It is what you know in your heart, what know that no one has to tell you, the way you talk to God when no one but Him is listening, it is the way He loves you and you love Him, that is the real worship of God, is it not?  How can anyone deny the pure love that flows from Him, the overwhelming, never ending wave that washes over not only you but all of His creatures?  God is love, He is not mean or vengeful, while I don't know about Heaven or Hell, I know that He loves us and would not hurt us.  I trust He will put us where we need to be, and if the impurities that are in all of us need to be refined out then I know it is for our own well being, that He will not hurt you.  God is the birthplace of love and truth, not hate, not lies, not vengeance, and I know one thing - I love God and He loves me - how could it be any other way?

Here's a link:

Bible verses

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Check out our Watches

Happy sez- check out the new format of my store at Zazzle including my selection of fine watches! 

Watch by Happy Colors

Happy Fall

"In the Grain" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   Happy Fall - Beautiful and summery day in the deserts of the southwest but we know that today is the beginning of fall, and while we don't need our warm woolies just yet we will soon for that  progression of time that marks our seasons and our lives is doing what it does - it keeps on keeping on as we used to say.  So enjoy the day and enjoy the Season!

Here's a link or so:

Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Fleeting Thought - A Fleeting Reality

"Jungle Temple" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Our artist and my friend just published on his website, Revolution of Reality, a post I thought was worth the time to read.  Now I understand reality a lot better.  With his permission I am reprinting it here.

Deglazing With Wine
My wife and I were making a grocery list and I mentioned I needed some wine, even though my wife and I don't drink I go through a bottle of wine every month or so in the kitchen.  I do most of the cooking and usually use a little wine to deglaze the pan just as I am finished, adding flavor and a moist glaze.  This led us to a conversation about how much wine to use and when - which is something that varies each time according to the pan - what's in it, how much, how moist, how much glaze is on the pan, how hot it is and etc., etc..  The correct answer is of course, just use a squish or a plop or whatever according to the pan,  according to what the conditions, the circumstance is in the pan at that time - that's the frame of reference you use to judge how much wine to put in and that is the reality of the moment, a given reality that has just popped into existence and will pop out of existence when the action is taken and the circumstance no longer exists. Reality itself seems to be a collection of these given realities winking in and out of existence as bubbles in a foam. This of course begs another question - does the sum of the parts equal the whole?

Here's a link to his website:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Why You Do It

"Color Lighting" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Another beautiful day in many parts of the country, especially the great American deserts.  The sun is shinning, the winds are calm and the temps are great - not too hot, not too cold.  It is the kind of day that makes you happy to be alive, a day that makes you want to sing. It is also the kind of day that makes you want to pause for reflection, to stop for a moment and think about your life.  Is this day being spent well?  Is what I am doing a good use of this day and this life? While it matters what your goals are and how you achieve them, but in your day to day life whether you're working on a cure for cancer or just kicking back and feeling groovy, what matters most I think is why you're doing it, why your living the life the way you do.  Is it a life devoted to doing the right thing or what you want?  Is is a life of compassion or a life thinking only of yourself?  Is it a life full of concern for others or a life of vanity? Not only is what you do and how you do it important, but it is also important why you do it.

Here's a link: mark twain

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On Point

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  I like a great number of people think of life as a journey and the closeness of that analogy is inescapable.  While the end of that journey is the point of that journey,  along the way the path or paths you take can lead you to many places, you can be many things and have many goals during that great adventure we call life.  We can never be sure what our purpose on this world may be, some are blessed with the faith that living your life to be the best  person you can be you will ultimately fulfill your purpose even though you may never know what it is.  Others may have been blessed with a feeling that they are striving for something, a certain goal perhaps a certain standard with distinct and direct ideas on where they are going and how they are going to get there, both are a good thing and either way it is a plan for our lives or a map of our life's path and the journey it takes us on. Whether or not we know our purpose in this life while in this life, we all have to choose a direction and a path with the goals of our life on the way to that final point.   As we follow the path we have chosen and our plan to reach the goals we have set for ourselves we do our best to stay on target, on our path and on point, but as when traveling on a real path things are not always the way you think they are or should be, a tree has fallen across your path or the trail markers get washed out or over grown - it's how people get lost both in the world and in life.  It's also how, and why, our paths and our directions change, they change to fit the new realities that life, dynamic by it's very nature, keeps throwing at you.  One wants to strive to stay on point with your goals, but one has to remember that those goals will change though out your life for many reasons and while you and your goals may change the main point at the end of your life will not.

Here is a couple of links:

Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day

"Summer Breeze" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Happy Labor Day !!! Stay Safe if not Sober!!!

 Check out my store at Zazzle - happycolorscoolstuff

Friday, September 4, 2015

Pretty and Pleasant Time

"Vibrant Earth" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Today as we all know a lot of people will be traveling for the Labor Day weekend, so of course be very careful!  Labor Day is for most people the end of summer or close to it.  School is in and the temps are starting to cool off nicely, and that pretty and pleasant time of year in between summer and fall is here when the summer heat is over and the feel of fall has not quite stated.  So enjoy this weekend and this brief time of year!

Here's  a link:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Privilage of Life

"Sky on a Green and Purple Night"by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  We are now into September and the beautiful moon full a few days ago is now starting it's wan toward the next cycle of light and dark, next cycle of tides and life.   In the northern hemisphere summer is slowly giving it's warmth for the fall colors and in many places the children are off to school. In the American southwest the desert winds are starting their heralding of fall by blowing the heat out as they blow the heat in in the spring, and life's cycle is slowly turning to fall.  If we are one of those individuals on the planet lucky enough to be blessed with the ability and freedom to step away from our personal troubles for a bit then it is easy to see the beauty in the universe and the joy in life and you realize that it has been not just a honor but a privilege to be a part of it.  Thank God

Here some links: