Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Road Trip!

"The Pinwheel" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  The days are spinning into spring and summer and that means it's a perfect time do some spinning of your own by spinning the wheels on your buggy with a road trip.  There is nothing like a nice
day, a full tank of gas, an open highway and no destination - just go as the moment dictates.  If you've never driven around this great nation of ours and talked to the people, then you are sadly missing one of the great experiences of a life time.  It does not have to cost a fortune, the trick is not to stay in a corporate chain hotel and eat at the known chains, it not only cost more, but your missing the whole point - you might as well stay home and go downtown and get a room.  No, one of the tricks is don't have a schedule, as if we'll be in a certain town by tonight or tomorrow.  Ol' Happy has often stopped in a town for gas, liked it and ended up staying for a day or two.  Get off the interstates for a while and drive the back roads, stop at small independent restaurants and motels.  Sometimes you'll hit a clunker and it is best to take a look at the room before you rent, but most of the time it is a great experience, sometimes exceptional, but always different. There is nothing to get you out of a rut, to reset your perspective and reality and freshen your spirit like a road trip.  Don't go with a sense of expectations to be met, instead go with a sense of adventure to be found.  Have fun, be careful and stay safe.  Remember it's not the destination, it's the journey!

Here is some links:

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