Saturday, May 16, 2015

Remedy for Being Self Absorbed

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  As we go through this life we naturally think about ourselves not only on a day by day or moment by moment basis but on a long term basis as well.  We think about our basic needs of food and
shelter and how to not only meet those basic tenets of survival but how to flourish as well.  This of course is as it should be, we must be a bit self absorbed if we are going to move ourselves forward and thereby move society forward.  It is however easy to get focused on yourself and lose sight of everything else, something I think we have all done at one time or another in one way or another, and our egos are right there cheering us on.  An old remedy for this is to spend some of your time thinking about someone else, human or animal, but it is not enough just to think of them, you must think of them with concern and care and if you follow those thoughts with actions you may find that the concern you have will generate increasing fondness and love not just from you but to you and not just from the object of your concern but from our real source, our only source of love.

Here some links:

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