Monday, August 28, 2017

Calculating Roads Not Taken

"Jungle Temple" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  This link goes with this post and the one before -Revolution of Reality.  go to The Idea tap at top

The ability to calculate a given reality and the moral values and emotions within it gives us two things the ability to see that the different realities are related to each other by bracing off of each other in a fractal pattern like the branches in a tree, as one reality gives way to another.  This gives us the ability to calculate not only the branch, path or road taken within that given reality but the junction of where that path ends and branches off to another path or reality.  This gives us the ability to calculate not only the road taken but the ability to calculate the roads not taken

Nothing Certain

"Vibrant Earth" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez- This post goes with the following link - then go the The Idea tab at the top of the page- The Revolution of Reality

Fundamental reality is made up, for the most part of given realities, winking in and out of existence like the bubbles in a foam.  A given reality is created by a frame of reference coming into existence and lasts as long as that frame of reference lasts.  Each frame of reference is made up of all the things, the factors in that circumstance, and as such it is basically made up of time, space and fundamental particles – and each fundamental particle has a built in box of uncertainty, giving each frame of reference or each reality a certain element of uncertainty that cannot be calculated.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Happy 4th on the 11th !!

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  This post should have been posted a week ago today but this is the first day I have been able to post for a while so I am posting twice today. This one, is a reprint of last years post and well worth repeating, but now it's 241 years instead of 240.

Happy sez-  As I said last year today we celebrate one of the happiest days ever for the human race -  the birth of AMERICA !!  This is a day the whole of the human race can stand proud and hopeful for it was on this day 240 years ago that a group of people proclaimed that they did not need a king to give them their rights - as their rights, indeed all rights, come directly and individually from God.  It was because of this extraordinary realization that people are created free and equal that was the reason the United States was founded and that realization is perhaps one of God's greatest Graces.  Thank God and Have a Happy Fourth of July! 

Here is a important link:

So HAPPY 4th OF JULY ON THE 11th !!! 

Still Plenty Crazy

"Color lighting" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  It's been a while since I have had the pleasure of addressing this fine audience and I hope that it will not be so long in the future.  A fine spring and summer this is but a bit warm in some places, and a bit crazy in others.  It's summer so it's hot and it's also what used to be known as the silly season when all the silly and crazy things seem to bunch up a bit.  Old traditions, I see haven't changed much but take heart fall is coming so maybe it won't be so silly after the silly season.  But I bet it's still plenty crazy.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


"Happy Hill" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  Often is heard talk about Heritage, the heritage of a family, a people, a nation or a culture and usually that talk is in grandiose terms, filled with platitudes and generalizations but what is Heritage, real Heritage?  It is a question we must ask and need to answer before we can really understand ourselves.  Heritage, it seems comes from two sources - one type of heritage we inherit from our past, from our family, our culture and our environment, the other we create ourselves and that is our legacy which with the heritage we inherit becomes part of the heritage we leave.

The heritage of a people or family can be expressed in terms of monetary wealth, the lands and special places, the silver of generations back and the potential for future wealth. These are all types of an inherited heritage, but heritage is much more that that - it is not just the lands, castle nor silver but it is the ideas, ideals and values that as a people or family we aspire to.

Now the question is what are these ideas, ideals and values we aspire to and more importantly - why.

Each person in every group of people, every culture is different giving them a unique perspective and reality, but it is the collection of similar experiences and inherited heritage that binds these different individuals together into a family, a culture and a nation. Not only does each individual have their own ideas, ideals and values but so does each culture and most of these are naturally guided by certain universal constants.   These constants, like the land we live on are a part of our environment, our inherited heritage and while not all people or cultures are influenced by these constants most are and that is why we for the most part as individuals or groups want to leave a positive legacy and a positive heritage.  A good name, present and future monetary wealth, icons and heirlooms are usually what most people and groups of people desire to receive and leave as a heritage rather than hate, death and despair.  Two examples of different heritages left by two different people and their organizations can be shown by Mother Theresa and the Missionaries of Charity and Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, one followed the moral constants of their inherited heritage, the other did not.  Both inherited a heritage completely different from each other except for one thing - the universal moral constants, both had them but only one choose to leave them as their heritage.

Now we know that the single most important part of our heritage as an individual or nation is the universal moral constants left to us.  It is from acknowledging and following these constants that no matter how dark the rest of your heritage may be, that darkness will be turned into light.  By following these constants that we all inherit we all inherit light, we all inherit the potential to leave a legacy of not just wealth but goodness. It is from these constants that the silver, lands and castle spring from, it is these constants that are the fountainhead for ideas, ideals and values, it is from these constants we find a purpose to our life and a reason for our heritage.

The only constant thing I know of is GOD.

Monday, March 6, 2017

A Sad Place

"Happy Hill" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- The world is a sad place -  a place of sadness.  We are born into this world only to suffer through our tormented lives filled with pain, death and despair.  But there is other things in the world and in our lives, there is beauty and grace, there is joy and peace but most of all there is love. It is because of these things that God has gifted us with that not only makes life possible but makes life joyful.  The trouble, tribulations and darkness is put before us for a reason, the darkness was put before us to let us see that there is light, the torment, death and despair is there so we might know joy, life and hope.  But it is Gods love that lets us not just survive, but live and live with God eternally.
And so life is complete.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Fear God?

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-   I remember when I was just a small child the first time I heard the phrase "God Fearing" and I could not understand it.  I love God and He loves me -how could I be afraid of Him?  He will ALWAYS do me good - He loves me and I love Him.  He will put me where I belong - How could I be afraid of that? If He puts me in Hell then I know that's where I belong and because of that I will go there with joy in my heart.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Don't Delay!


Monday, February 27, 2017

And the Spheres Move Still!

"Fancy Hill" by Drew John Tankersley
  Happy sez-  Here we are - time to think about thinking about sandals, shorts and summer!  It may be cold still but the spheres are moving through the heavens and time is moving through our lives and so comes the time of happy summer warmth!  Now we just gotta get through these frightful storms! 

Friday, February 24, 2017

A Family Legacy

"Power Mountain by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  A friend of mine recently lost a close family member and gathered along with other family members to take care of their estate.  As the estate is a rural one with many animals the families first concern, and rightly so was for the animals that were left orphaned to see that they were well cared for for the rest of their lives.  The next order of business was to identify family heirlooms and keep those in the family, while offering what was left to friends or the needy, anything else will be auctioned off to pay for the expenses of the estate. Everyone there realized, I believe, that the real legacy of a family is not the wealth of the family nor the heirlooms, for they will soon dissipate with the ages, rather it is the ideas and ideals of that family that are the true legacy for even if the family dies out it lives through that legacy. These are the things that should be important to us, for they are the things that are important to God and these are the things that will not dissipate through the ages.  May God wrap his arms around his child coming home and embrace the family with love.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Gave Us All

"Through the Barrier" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  The cold for many continues and continues fiercely.  We hope everyone is not only able to keep themselves safe and warm but is also able and willing to aid those are not so able, the old and young, the sick and disabled and just every bit as important, if not more important, is the animals, domestic AND wild.  God gave us all life and with that life a soul, and He never made a half soul.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Little Boy or Angel

"Misty Cross" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez- This is a reprint of a previous post, and is something that I plan to re-post over and over again.  When you read it you can see why.  Even though his name is lost in the shroud of history, he should not be forgotten.  He was my friend.

This story is absolutely true.

In the 1950s in Childrens Hospital in Los Angeles there was a whole floor, the fourth floor devoted to children that were dying of heart trouble.  In those days doctors did not have the knowledge, procedures and medicines of today - they just were not invented yet, the iron lung (there was a room full of them just down the hall we were never allowed in) along with some of the first antibiotics and the fluoroscope were state of the art technology then.  For most of us, the lucky ones, there was only one hope - an experimental operation that could give us a chance at life and the doctors a chance to learn something that might help someone else.  Open heart surgery and the heart lung machine was just being developed, and was often used in these experimental surgeries and with each use something new was learned.  In those days they operated on one child a day, Monday through Friday, and by Friday  night, oftentimes all five children were dead.  We, the children understood this and for the most part accepted this the best we could.  You grow up rather fast in many ways and you learn several things - you learn to fight, you learn to have faith, faith in your parents, faith in your doctors but most of all you have faith in God.

It was fall 1958 when I was in this time for a rather extended period of time.  In those days there were four beds to a room and as kids easily do you soon became friends with your roommates, at least the ones that were well enough.  (You can always tell the really sick kids, they don't cry, they mostly lay staring or are unconscious).  I was almost nine and there was a kid in one of the other beds that I immediately struck up a friendship with.  He was a lively little boy of about six or so with dark hair and a ready grin and easy laugh. Even though he was dying he loved to pull jokes on the nurses, or sneak out of bed and go for wheelchair rides or go into other rooms ( a BIG no-no) and talk to the kids and sing Yankee Doodle to them, a song that he just loved. It was obvious how much he loved everyone and was he was always concerned with them, not just how they were feeling physically but how they were inside, in their spirit and heart.  He was always going to the the one that was having heart surgery that next day and somehow he had a way of calming a soul.  I remember a little dark haired little girl of about eight in the next ward that was having surgery the next morning, her parents were gone and she was terrified.  He went to her (I know the nurses had to know he was there out of not just his bed but his room) and spent most of the night in there singing Yankee Doodle to her, a song he was constantly singing, sometimes annoyingly so, until she finally was graced with some calmness and got a little sleep.  She died the next morning during surgery.
It is those after hours that can get to you in a children's hospital, the time after visiting hours when your parents are gone, when the hum of hospital life has slowed down and the lights are dimmed in the wards with only the light from florescent tubes in the hallways reflecting off the pale yellow walls. It can be lonely and terrifying but I never heard him complain or talk about himself, his only focus was others. I got to go home for a couple of months just before Christmas, and I never saw him again but my mother later told me his story, a short story, a story he never got a chance to live out but a story that was filled with God and Grace.
He was dropped off at the hospital by his parents, who lived two miles from the hospital, sometime in June or July.  They never came to see him or contacted him in any way, they left him to die.  He died right after Christmas. 
As one of the lucky ones that survived, you soon get caught up in the whirlwind of life, of living that life you were graced with. As the decades go by and I think back and I realize that even though his name is lost, the calmness of spirit that he gave you, the lessons by example on how life should be lived to the ready smile and laugh, but most of all that voice singing Yankee Doodle and I know my life was blessed by an angel!

The Cycle Continues

"Hidden Hill" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Says- Winter in all its frigid relentlessness is at its peak in most of the nation.  Its unforgiving harshness will not stop, will not relent, but behind it all the days are getting longer slowly, bit by bit, bringing the vital warmth of summer.  The sun will shine and the days will be warm, the grass will be green and the birds will sing.  And so the cycle continues.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Silent Serenity - Again and Always

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  It has been a long time since my last post for which I am truly sorry and, in the spirit of the great P. G. Wodehouse I hope I have not caused my gentle readers any undue concern. Suffice it to say all is well on the old home front and the blessed busyness of life has kept this wretched writer at bay.   I would however like to take this time to re-post the following that I like to share at least once every year, usually during the Christmas season.

A lamp was lit over two thousand years ago that shines the light of heavenly love across the face of the earth and the soul of man and because of that light the silent serenity of God's peace and joy lights our hopes not just for the season, but for all eternity.