Sunday, January 8, 2017

Silent Serenity - Again and Always

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  It has been a long time since my last post for which I am truly sorry and, in the spirit of the great P. G. Wodehouse I hope I have not caused my gentle readers any undue concern. Suffice it to say all is well on the old home front and the blessed busyness of life has kept this wretched writer at bay.   I would however like to take this time to re-post the following that I like to share at least once every year, usually during the Christmas season.

A lamp was lit over two thousand years ago that shines the light of heavenly love across the face of the earth and the soul of man and because of that light the silent serenity of God's peace and joy lights our hopes not just for the season, but for all eternity. 

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