Friday, February 24, 2017

A Family Legacy

"Power Mountain by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  A friend of mine recently lost a close family member and gathered along with other family members to take care of their estate.  As the estate is a rural one with many animals the families first concern, and rightly so was for the animals that were left orphaned to see that they were well cared for for the rest of their lives.  The next order of business was to identify family heirlooms and keep those in the family, while offering what was left to friends or the needy, anything else will be auctioned off to pay for the expenses of the estate. Everyone there realized, I believe, that the real legacy of a family is not the wealth of the family nor the heirlooms, for they will soon dissipate with the ages, rather it is the ideas and ideals of that family that are the true legacy for even if the family dies out it lives through that legacy. These are the things that should be important to us, for they are the things that are important to God and these are the things that will not dissipate through the ages.  May God wrap his arms around his child coming home and embrace the family with love.

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