Friday, September 30, 2016

Blessed By An Angel reprint

Below is reprint of June 26, 2015.  It is a post that I want everyone to see.


Friday, June 26, 2015

Blessed by An Angel

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  The tale I am about to tell is one that needs to be told, one that I have told in the past and one that needs to be told over and over again. This story is absolutely true and is about a little boy or an angel -  you be the judge

In the 1950s in Childrens Hospital in Los Angeles there was a whole floor, the fourth floor devoted to children that were dying of heart trouble.  In those days doctors did not have the knowledge, procedures and medicines of today - they just were not invented yet, the iron lung (there was a room full of them just down the hall we were never allowed in) along with some of the first antibiotics and the fluoroscope were state of the art technology then.  For most of us, the lucky ones, there was only one hope - an experimental operation that could give us a chance at life and the doctors a chance to learn something that might help someone else.  Open heart surgery and the heart lung machine was just being developed, and was often used in these experimental surgeries and with each use something new was learned.  In those days they operated on one child a day, Monday through Friday, and by Friday  night, oftentimes all five children were dead.  We, the children understood this and for the most part accepted this the best we could.  You grow up rather fast in many ways and you learn several things - you learn to fight, you learn to have faith, faith in your parents, faith in your doctors but most of all you have faith in God.

It was fall 1958 when I was in this time for a rather extended period of time.  In those days there were four beds to a room and as kids easily do you soon became friends with your roommates, at least the ones that were well enough.  (You can always tell the really sick kids, they don't cry, they mostly lay staring or are unconscious).  I was almost nine and there was a kid in one of the other beds that I immediately struck up a friendship with.  He was a lively little boy of about six or so with dark hair and a ready grin and easy laugh. Even though he was dying he loved to pull jokes on the nurses, or sneak out of bed and go for wheelchair rides or go into other rooms ( a BIG no-no) and talk to the kids and sing Yankee Doodle to them, a song that he just loved. It was obvious how much he loved everyone and was he was always concerned with them, not just how they were feeling physically but how they were inside, in their spirit and heart.  He was always going to the the one that was having heart surgery that next day and somehow he had a way of calming a soul.  I remember a little dark haired little girl of about eight in the next ward that was having surgery the next morning, her parents were gone and she was terrified.  He went to her (I know the nurses had to know he was there out of not just his bed but his room) and spent most of the night in there singing Yankee Doodle to her, a song he was constantly singing, sometimes annoyingly so, until she finally was graced with some calmness and got a little sleep.  She died the next morning during surgery.
It is those after hours that can get to you in a children's hospital, the time after visiting hours when your parents are gone, when the hum of hospital life has slowed down and the lights are dimmed in the wards with only the light from florescent tubes in the hallways reflecting off the pale yellow walls. It can be lonely and terrifying but I never heard him complain or talk about himself, his only focus was others. I got to go home for a couple of months just before Christmas, and I never saw him again but my mother later told me his story, a short story, a story he never got a chance to live out but a story that was filled with God and Grace.
He was dropped off at the hospital by his parents, who lived two miles from the hospital, sometime in June or July.  They never came to see him or contacted him in any way, they left him to die.  He died right after Christmas. 
As one of the lucky ones that survived, you soon get caught up in the whirlwind of life, of living that life you were graced with. As the decades go by and I think back and I realize that even though his name is lost, the calmness of spirit that he gave you, the lessons by example on how life should be lived to the ready smile and laugh, but most of all that voice singing Yankee Doodle and I know my life was blessed by an angel!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Beauty Of The Creator

" In The Groove" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- Today's happy thought is the beautiful weather most of us are having this time of year, even though as usual there are some places that are going through weather hell and to those we want to keep in our prayers and our charitable giving.  Each time of year, each season indeed each day has it's own particular beauty in some unique way then it, like the weather and perhaps because of the weather changes.  The beauty is always there if one can see it but it can be impossible to see it if you're the one in the storm.  Life it seems is a living analogy of this; it is filled with beauty IF you are not the one in the storm at the moment and like the weather there is always a storm SOMEWHERE at the moment, be it a natural disaster like an earthquake or some sort of a karma quake like a war or a new level of social evolution like the industrial age.  It is when we are graced with fair weather and fair times that we can relax and contemplate not only the beauty we were given but the beauty of the creator.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Spinning Fall In

"Stormy Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  Today we hit the equinox and summer officially gives way to fall with cooler temps and shorter days.  The softer light of fall sheds it's own special grace over the landscape of not just our world but our mind as well, cooling the frantic thoughts of summertime with the slower and softer thinking of day filled with falling leaves and hot cider.  And so it keeps on spinning. Thank God

Here's a link:
5 thinks to know

Sunday, September 11, 2016


Today we remember a wildflower in the meadow of life, 
a flower of innocence.
a flower of kindness,
a flower of sweetness
a flower of God

Friday, September 9, 2016

We Remember

"John's Squares" by Drew John Tankersley
Happy sez-  Last weekend we celebrated the American Worker but this weekend we memorialize nearly three thousand people that were murdered fifteen years ago Sunday and we remember that this is what World War III looks like.  May God be with us.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Grace of the Gift

"Color Lightning" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- With Labor Day over and the heat of summer starting to abate it is a beautiful time of year in many parts of the world, in other areas the change of the season has brought some terrible weather.  For those that are having such a bad time our prayers go out to you and our helping hand should be extended to you as well.

It is with the joy of a lucky fool that I live this day given to me in beauty and received in gladness. I only hope that I have enough good sense to make use of this fine day in a way which will honor my creator - giving thanks for the grace of the gift of this day.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day

"Lively Ice" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  Happy Labor Day to all those in labor!  sorry - I couldn't resist.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Tribalism vs. Globalism

"Pinwheel" by Drew John tankersley

Happy sez- Today is another beautiful late summer day full of happy colors, happy sounds and sights so it is not always easy to think of things that may at first seem rather unhappy, a bit dry perhaps, a bit boring and quite scary but think of these things we must sooner or later; life will force us to and it is better we do it sooner rather than later when we have no choice.  The great thing is that after we discuss these types of topics we have a MUCH better chance of solving our problems and the problems of our society, living a happy life filled again with happy colors, thoughts, sound, shapes and people.

While everything in the universe including life goes though cycles, life seems to always have not only it's good times but it's times of trouble and strife.  Throughout history doomsayers have always cried these are the last days - sometimes even going so far as to name the date and time as in next Wednesday at 2:00 - but even though it may seem like the end of it all, life goes on and the blessings and problems do not stop.  There is however times in history when these cycles seem to peak and ebb and now seems to be one of those pivotal moments when several cycles are peaking at about the same time bringing more strife and problems than usual.

One of these important cycles that appears to be peaking now, one that NO ONE is talking about, one we should all be discussing and that is the on going evolutionary battle between two of the most basic, most primal forces guiding not just ourselves and our society but most life on this planet - and that  is the contrasting and contradictory forces of Tribalism and Globalism.


Most animals, especially social animals are tribal in nature -  they have their own territory, their own habits, the more social ones including humans form their own colonies, herds, flocks, schools, pods, packs - their

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Big Weekend

"Vibrant Earth" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez- Labor Day, big weekend coming up and kids already back in school - lots going on in our society with the change of seasons - let's all try our best to have a good season - a season of reason and a season of hearth, truly a season to be happy.

Here's a link:
Labor Day history