Friday, September 2, 2016

Tribalism vs. Globalism

"Pinwheel" by Drew John tankersley

Happy sez- Today is another beautiful late summer day full of happy colors, happy sounds and sights so it is not always easy to think of things that may at first seem rather unhappy, a bit dry perhaps, a bit boring and quite scary but think of these things we must sooner or later; life will force us to and it is better we do it sooner rather than later when we have no choice.  The great thing is that after we discuss these types of topics we have a MUCH better chance of solving our problems and the problems of our society, living a happy life filled again with happy colors, thoughts, sound, shapes and people.

While everything in the universe including life goes though cycles, life seems to always have not only it's good times but it's times of trouble and strife.  Throughout history doomsayers have always cried these are the last days - sometimes even going so far as to name the date and time as in next Wednesday at 2:00 - but even though it may seem like the end of it all, life goes on and the blessings and problems do not stop.  There is however times in history when these cycles seem to peak and ebb and now seems to be one of those pivotal moments when several cycles are peaking at about the same time bringing more strife and problems than usual.

One of these important cycles that appears to be peaking now, one that NO ONE is talking about, one we should all be discussing and that is the on going evolutionary battle between two of the most basic, most primal forces guiding not just ourselves and our society but most life on this planet - and that  is the contrasting and contradictory forces of Tribalism and Globalism.


Most animals, especially social animals are tribal in nature -  they have their own territory, their own habits, the more social ones including humans form their own colonies, herds, flocks, schools, pods, packs - their
own tribes or communities.  It is not just the physical aspects of these communities that evolve but the mental, moral and cultural aspects as well, giving different ways of thinking, of reasoning - these all make up aspects of a community or tribe giving that community it's own frame of reference to the universe, it's own given reality.  This is the natural state of life as driven by the evolutionary force of Tribalism.  The other evolutionary force that is just as powerful and that is diametrically opposed to Tribalism is Globalism.  A constant struggle for equilibrium is in play to keep one force from overpowering the other.  When that happens with either Tribalism or Globalism dominating over the other then those are dark times for us all.  Both of these natural forces are a part of nature and some aspects of them both are necessary for society and civilization (mans' biggest tribe) to exist.  It is up to society to keep these two powerful forces at equilibrium by following only the aspects of those forces that are beneficial to us and rejecting those that are not.  In other words you build a water wheel in the rushing currant, not your house.  Of the two forces Tribalism is the most primal, it is the force that starts with your birth, where and when and to who, to which tribe you were born into.  Tribalism is the force of the individual, hence the old and true adage that all politics are local.  Globalism on the other hand is the force of the community - it is about the individual merging with others, tribes or communities merging together into ever bigger and farther reaching entities.  The emphasis is moved away from the individual to the entity of the whole, the whole becoming the only thing that is important, the individual having no importance at all, the opposite of  Tribalism.  There are many aspects of both of these forces that we want to embrace -  Tribalism gives us a basic sense of self, our culture, our individuality and a sense of self preservation, while Globalism on the other hand gives us trade, exposes us to different cultures, art and ideas and gives us the ability to work together to build technology and civilization. Both of these forces like the tides and volcanism are necessary to our societies and to our lives, but we must keep them in equilibrium or we'll either have a lonely world of anarchy or a dark world of tyranny.

Here's a link:

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