Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Beauty Of The Creator

" In The Groove" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- Today's happy thought is the beautiful weather most of us are having this time of year, even though as usual there are some places that are going through weather hell and to those we want to keep in our prayers and our charitable giving.  Each time of year, each season indeed each day has it's own particular beauty in some unique way then it, like the weather and perhaps because of the weather changes.  The beauty is always there if one can see it but it can be impossible to see it if you're the one in the storm.  Life it seems is a living analogy of this; it is filled with beauty IF you are not the one in the storm at the moment and like the weather there is always a storm SOMEWHERE at the moment, be it a natural disaster like an earthquake or some sort of a karma quake like a war or a new level of social evolution like the industrial age.  It is when we are graced with fair weather and fair times that we can relax and contemplate not only the beauty we were given but the beauty of the creator.

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