Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Day Quickly Approaching

"Surprise" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- If your like me holidays, especially Christmas always arrives on time and with a shock.  I know it's coming, I even know the date, it's the same every year and every year I promise myself I'll be ready early, and every year my family and friends know to expect my gift or card sometime mid January.  One year I
must confess I did get started early - in fact it was right after Christmas in January that I started buying gifts, when during the course of the year I saw a gift that was just right for someone I went ahead bought it and put it away.  When Christmas came that year I had the perfect gift for everyone and I did not have to worry about an extra cash outlay during the holidays.  It really, really worked well so of course being who I am - I never did it again.

That the day approaches quickly holds true I think with not only Christmas but all special days ( birthdays always come too soon unless you seven) indeed all our days, have a tendency to be here before you know it, bringing that final day to a close.  We live our days filling them with the life that is ours and each sunset is here perhaps a bit quicker than thought closing the day with night but we must remember each night is followed by the birth of a new day, a day filled with of surprise and wonder.  Isn't that what this holiday is really all about?

Here are a couple of links you might find interesting:

Psychology Today
U Ttexas
Grace to You
Bible Study Tools

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