Sunday, September 28, 2014

Shapes and Boundaries

Happy sez-
We’ve talked so far about colors, a bit about time, space, perspective and reality now let’s think about shapes for a moment.  Shapes would also imply boundaries, something to define the shape; even a shapeless blob would have a boundary and therefore a shape.  There are all kinds of shapes and boundaries, the shape of a triangle on a two dimensional sheet of paper is an example, so is a three dimensional drawing on that
sheet of paper.  The triangle itself is a boundary separating all that is within the triangle from all that is without.  The shape, of course, does not have to be a triangle, it could be a square or circle or a cube or sphere or it could be the shape of that part of the brain that gives one an unlimited imagination.  How could something like that part of your brain that has a shape and boundaries hold something like your imagination that has no limit and therefore no boundaries?  What about the shape of the universe and space itself, the shape of not only the three dimensions that we are familiar with but what of other dimensions, dimensions that are not the up down, back and forth and side to side, what shape are they and what type of boundaries do they form?  Some scientist think that there could be as many as eleven different dimensions all wound up in an incredibly small space.  What about the shape of things infinitesimally small, some theories hold that when space is looked at in scales approaching Plank’s limit that it becomes grainy or more like a foam popping in and out of existence. Is there still shapes and boundaries even then? One might also consider the relationship between space and time for if space has a shape, what about time?  Like all things in life shape and boundaries may not always be what they seem, for perspective determines your reality, and perspective can be tricky.  A Mobius strip is a fun way to start exploring that, as well as the fundamental relationship between the shape of space and music.

What of other shapes and boundaries such as the shape that that unlimited imagination will take.  Will it help shape the future? When you ask some one what shape they are in what do you mean?  The shape of their body - two arms, two legs, head and torso or do you mean their health, finances or spiritual or emotional state?  Would you be breaking a boundary asking something too personal?  What about the shapes that make you happy? The shape of someone special, the shape of a kitten, a puppy or of your favorite place that makes you happy, that triggers something in that part of your brain that lets your spirit soar?  Conversely there are shapes that can make you sad or melancholy or depressed, and these are shapes that we do not want too spend much time in.

Boundaries are of course the things that define our shape, but they can also be defined by our shape.  If we change our shape by eating too much, then the boundary that is our body will change its shape, so the shape affects the boundary as the boundary affects the shape and so it is with life.  If you change either a boundary or shape in your life it will change not only that which you are changing but will also affect the corresponding shape or boundary as well as other aspects of life.   It is like a set of equations, when you change one side of the equation it affects the other side.  Sometimes the boundaries and shapes we experience as we go though life may not always be what we want at the time, but they usually play a large part in determining the shape of our future.  Is it not better for a child to have boundaries in order to learn the behavior that is needed for survival and advancement as an adult?  Perhaps most of the shapes and boundaries in the universe, especially the larger ones we may have no control over, but there are some shapes and boundaries we do have control over or at least some control over the way we let them affect us and these are often ones that are large in our lives and important to us from a personal perspective.  Let me know what you think, is boundaries and shapes something you try to control? If so how successful are you? If not why?                                              
Happy sez- Below are listed some links that you might find interesting                                                          
Mobius Strip: also  also                      Brain and Imagination also                   
Plank's Limit and the Infinitesimally Small:  also
Shapes and Boundaries:  also also  also/The_technological_definition_of_social_boundaries_Video_telephony_and_the_constitution_of_group_membership
You might also find the brief overview page interesting at the Revolution of Reality blog by my friend and featured artist Drew John Tankersley at: 

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