Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dance of the Seasons

"Vibrant Earth" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- This time of year in most places in the more moderate northern latitudes is beautiful with the changing of the seasons from summer to fall as though mother earth is doing a dance of change and renew.
The vibrantly brilliant colors of the leaves as they do there whirly dance to the ground, the change in the sky and sea, losing it's bright days and pastel evenings for the more somber and serious tones of fall and the clear blue skies and vistas that seem to reach forever in the deserts are all part of the dance of the seasons.  It is not only earth that makes her changes but her children as well, the plants and all the humans and animals make all our changes inside and out for the coming of winter.  We all put on our heaver clothes, the thicker fur and the change in our routines and the thoughts that set those routines as the days become shorter and the night becomes longer and our lives gradually slips into a fall and winter perspective.  What do you think, do you like the change?  What do you think changes more, the world inside you or the personal world around you ( not counting the astronomical changes and all that implies - but enough - we'll leave that for another post) ? Let me know what you think, and may you enjoy this time of year as well as the beauty and joy that is given to us each day of each year. Remember God gives us the world bright and shiny and new every day of every season.  It is full of bright joy and wonder and it is for us to reach out and touch that joy and behold that wonder.  (Remember - touch NOT grab!!!)

Here are some great quotes, many talking of change, by a truly great poet -  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow       

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