Sunday, September 7, 2014


"In the Grain" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- The reason I chose this painting today is that it reminds me of something that happened yesterday.  It was something that happens all the time across the country, really quite insignificant.  I was parked at a small town airport watching the planes take off and land, something I find relaxing and enjoy. 
When I went to use the restroom I found the door did not open so I immediately assumed it was locked and I could not get in, so I asked the person working there if she would mind unlocking the door for me.  When she told me the door was unlocked and it was just hard to push open, I went back pushed the door a bit harder and it opened right up for me.  Now the reason I tell all this is to make a point, if you stop and think about it - that's a lot like going through life, sometimes you don't try to hard enough to open that door to the next thing in your life, or perhaps you give up too easily walking away thinking I didn't want to open that door that much any way, or perhaps you keep trying by going for help to get someone to help you unlock it for you or perhaps you keep trying it on you own.  The point to all this is we all make choices of how we approach and go through life depending on the particular and unique circumstance of the moment.  The method and process that  we use to make and influence those decisions is different than the actual decision and those underlying factors can become ingrained, always giving use the same path to a decision which will give us similar outcomes from different circumstances and questions.  It is those process that can become ingrained in us creating a particular habit of  the way we make a decision and it is there that we have a choice to say is that the way we want to make our decisions, is that process always giving us a good outcome?   Life is full of choices and if your anything like me it might be a good idea, as individuals and as a society, to occasionally examine not just the choices you make but the process by which you make those choices. What do you think?  I know I certainly need to examine my decisions and the process by which I make them on a frequent basis, what about you?  Do have any ideas that would make that self-examination more beneficial?  Leave me a comment and let me know. 

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