Thursday, May 12, 2016

A Frustrating Post!

"Stormy Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Frustration is an interesting phenomena, it comes in all types, degrees and sources.  It can be big or small, devastating or, well just frustrating. Sometimes frustration will come often, all day long, one thing after another - nothing big you understand - but never stopping, you go to get something, it's not there, you go to get some back up and it's empty, your pen is out of ink and you get another one, but it breaks as soon as you use it.  See what I mean, It never seems to end.  Then there are the big things, the life threatening things - getting your cancer treated only to find you have heart trouble, getting your heart worked on then finding you have kidney failure.  So it's true frustration can come in many ways, in many forms but if we take it in stride, as well as we can, and not allow the frustration of being frustrated to get to us, then we'll be the better for it  And if we can do that, that will be good.

Here's a link:

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