Thursday, April 21, 2016

Life is as Precious as Unique

"Color Lightning" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  Happy time, time for the happy dance of joy for the warm days and cool nights of spring.  The time of wildflowers and cute, cuddly baby animals is here and so the cycle of the universe and the Earth; indeed the cycle of life continues. In this uncivilized civilization of ours it is easy to forget or ignore not only the cycles of the Earth but Earth itself because so many of us are not out and about on the Earth but instead we are in the cities.  We also ignore one other aspect of those cycles and that is that each life in those cycles is unique and each life, human or not, is as precious as unique.  Even though that life may be the life of a terrible dictator not precious to us at all it is still most likely precious to God, that is why we in our society that we give condemned people a decent and respectable burial. But enough of this happy talk, go enjoy the day!

Here is a link:

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