Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Happy 4th on the 11th !!

"The Lamp" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  This post should have been posted a week ago today but this is the first day I have been able to post for a while so I am posting twice today. This one, is a reprint of last years post and well worth repeating, but now it's 241 years instead of 240.

Happy sez-  As I said last year today we celebrate one of the happiest days ever for the human race -  the birth of AMERICA !!  This is a day the whole of the human race can stand proud and hopeful for it was on this day 240 years ago that a group of people proclaimed that they did not need a king to give them their rights - as their rights, indeed all rights, come directly and individually from God.  It was because of this extraordinary realization that people are created free and equal that was the reason the United States was founded and that realization is perhaps one of God's greatest Graces.  Thank God and Have a Happy Fourth of July! 

Here is a important link: 

So HAPPY 4th OF JULY ON THE 11th !!! 

Still Plenty Crazy

"Color lighting" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy Sez-  It's been a while since I have had the pleasure of addressing this fine audience and I hope that it will not be so long in the future.  A fine spring and summer this is but a bit warm in some places, and a bit crazy in others.  It's summer so it's hot and it's also what used to be known as the silly season when all the silly and crazy things seem to bunch up a bit.  Old traditions, I see haven't changed much but take heart fall is coming so maybe it won't be so silly after the silly season.  But I bet it's still plenty crazy.