Monday, August 1, 2016

Nothing Easy but Trouble

"Cindy's Afternoon Storm" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- Ever notice how some people seem to go through life always hitting the green lights and getting the best parking spots? Me either.  I guess some people live a charmed life but I don't know too many, if any that do.  There are times when some people seem to have it all and enjoy it but if you look deeper I think you'll find that most everyone has their troubles and problems.  That doesn't mean life is not full of joy, love and beauty - it is but that also doesn't mean that most important things come easy.  Years ago when in collage I worked for some nice folks who had a LOT of money and two young sons a little older than I.  These guys seemed to have it all- they were nice guys, rich, beautiful cars, boats and girls around them all the time and didn't seem to have a care in the world.  Years latter I stopped by one of their old businesses and asked about them, one had died of  a bad liver at a young age, the other committed suicide. Just goes to show you nothing in this world comes easy but trouble.

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