Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Freedom of Anonymity

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- A friend and I were talking the other day about the difference of living in the city and out in the country away from a town.  I have lived in both settings and their is a lot of things different; some aspects of city life are good and some aspects of county life is good - they both have their good and bad sides like most everything else.  Their is one thing that is different that most people don't think of and that is anonymity.  When you live in a small town or out in the boonies you still have to go into a small town to do business and people in a small town or people out in the boonies will always know what is going on around them including who is doing what where and to whom.  In a city no one knows who you are or cares.  In a way,  that is kind of cold but in another way there is kind of a peacefulness in being anonymous, a freedom in not having to worry what people will say or think.  The concern that people have for you in a rural setting is a wonderful gift and blessing and it is I think, for the most part, real but it is not always and that can be more hurtful than someone who doesn't know you and don't care.  Country or city - those that love you will love you in either setting and those that don't  won't.  In either case God is there because He is always with you!

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