Friday, July 29, 2016

It's Still Turning

'Mitisos" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- The world is still turning the last time I looked out my window and I haven't fallen off yet even though I've had a pretty loose grip at times.  Summer now is in it's prime but I notice the days are getting a bit shorter so we know the promise of fall will be fulfilled at it's appointed time.  Now is the time however to enjoy the hot, bright, sunny days and long soft evenings before the leaves turn and the long soft evenings turn to a short twilight and the quite peace of night.

Here's a link:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Freedom of Anonymity

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- A friend and I were talking the other day about the difference of living in the city and out in the country away from a town.  I have lived in both settings and their is a lot of things different; some aspects of city life are good and some aspects of county life is good - they both have their good and bad sides like most everything else.  Their is one thing that is different that most people don't think of and that is anonymity.  When you live in a small town or out in the boonies you still have to go into a small town to do business and people in a small town or people out in the boonies will always know what is going on around them including who is doing what where and to whom.  In a city no one knows who you are or cares.  In a way,  that is kind of cold but in another way there is kind of a peacefulness in being anonymous, a freedom in not having to worry what people will say or think.  The concern that people have for you in a rural setting is a wonderful gift and blessing and it is I think, for the most part, real but it is not always and that can be more hurtful than someone who doesn't know you and don't care.  Country or city - those that love you will love you in either setting and those that don't  won't.  In either case God is there because He is always with you!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Truth - Society's Cleaner

" Stormy Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  .  It is nice to talk about happy things, colors and times yet in life the talk can not always be happy if it is truthful and now is the time for truth.  We are blessed with a nice summer this year, a time of happiness and joy but it seems we are taking those blessings and ignoring them so we can pursue our human ambition of self destruction.  We as individuals and as a species lie and cheat, hurt and destroy, kill others and disrespect our creator all for the lust not of money but of power, the power that some feel they must have over their fellow man and our universe. As like seems to attract like so does it seem bullies attract one another and begin to form bonds that will eventually turn into a government then into tyranny. Unlike a God given right which is granted to us individually and directly from God the illegitimate and false power of a bully does not come from God and is not a right that they have been granted as many bullies in the form of Pharaohs, monarchs and rulers have claimed.  The only way to have a society and government that is moral and does not turn to tyranny is that the people that make up that society to be truthful, honest and moral for  tyranny cannot live in a moral society  Truth to a bully is like sunshine, soap and hot water is to something that is dirty.  Our society is filled with the politically correct lies of bullies and in order to be free and remain free we MUST stand up to and clean out those bullies with the truth.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Middle of Summer

"The Point" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- Here we are in the middle of summer already and another beautiful day in many parts of this nation.  This is the time of year of travel, daydreams and ice cream - what more can you ask!  With the long, soft summer evenings it seems as though summer is a slower time, a more relaxed time even with all the people out and about.  What are you doing with your summer?  Relaxing or running? Hope you enjoy whatever your doing and enjoy doing it in the summertime!

Here's a link:

Summertime music

Monday, July 4, 2016

Thank God and Have a Happy Fourth of July!

"Bright Comet Night" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  As I said last year today we celebrate one of the happiest days ever for the human race -  the birth of AMERICA !!  This is a day the whole of the human race can stand proud and hopeful for it was on this day 240 years ago that a group of people proclaimed that they did not need a king to give them their rights - as their rights, indeed all rights, come directly and individually from God.  It was because of this extraordinary realization that people are created free and equal that was the reason the United States was founded and that realization is perhaps one of God's greatest Graces.  Thank God and Have a Happy Fourth of July! 

Here is a important link: