Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Taking Life for Granted

"Summer Breeze" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez-  While many parts of this nation is still in the throws of winter and a rather nasty one at that, there are parts of the great American southwest that are welcoming the soft heralds of spring with warm temperatures, blue skies, budding trees and wildflowers in the lower and warmer areas.  As always the cycle continues and in a way today's topic is not so much about the cycle as the cause.

It is always easy to take things for granted and it is something that I think all of us do to one extent or another.  If one is naked one wants clothes and shoes and if one is blessed with them then it is easy after a while to think that we should always be clothed; that it is a natural state for us, a normal state of affairs when really it was not that long ago that we were naked wanting to be clothed.  We are now, perhaps without realizing it,  taking our clothing for granted.  Next we'll perhaps want to have fancier, finer clothes and a house with a closet to hang them in again thinking that that's the way it should be now that I'm clothed I am entitled to keep what I've got and add to it.  The same with ones health if one is gravely ill one only asks to live then if that is granted one wants to be able to sit up in bed then to be able to walk then go to the bathroom on your own - the point is life is given to you one moment and one step at a time and it is very easy once we are on that first step to take it and the next step for granted instead of being thankful that we are first standing. It is only natural, fitting and right that we want to better ourselves  and the world around us but we must remember that we must not only be thankful but aware of each blessing that we are granted and we must realize that because we have one gift granted that does not mean that we are entitled to another or even to keep the one we have. To expect to receive a gift because you feel that you are entitled to one is not only disrespectful to our creator but violates natural moral laws.  One is never entitled to a blessing, and one should not expect it - like life, each moment and each blessing is a surprise - one fleeting step at a time. 

 Here is a link you might find interesting:


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