Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Fears

"Fear" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- Well Halloween is here and it tis the peak of the beginning - of the fall and winter season, and Happy has a short and  happy ( and CORNY) poem  on the subject - Fall has fallen and winters on the way - and after that another bright and sunny day -  which brings me to the topic of today's Halloween post:  May the only fears you have are just those made of Halloween fun!  This is in a way the one day of the year when we get to poke fun at the real fears of the world, of which there are always plenty, and the chance to realize that in spite of the troubles and tears of life the world will keep on spinning, spring will keep on coming and hope will keep on blooming.  May your Halloween be Blessed.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Cindy's Mountain

"Cindy's Mountain" by Drew John Tankersley
Happy sez- A mountain has often been used to symbolize many things of  endurance and strength, but the two true lasting and solid strengths are that of God and love, which is not just a gift from God but of God. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Life

"Jungle Temple" by Drew John Tankersley
Happy sez- As we travel the path though our lives we go though many different stages with many different wants, thinking at the time that the fulfillment of those wants would somehow make us happy or fulfill a desire within us for a good life.  While a good life can mean a lot to a lot of different people, and much has been said by many on this topic, for what it's worth I decided to throw my two cents in from a bit older perspective, after the shiny has been rubbed off life.  I will list some of the "rules " I've learned though the years for a good life.  You might call these Happy's rules for a Happy life!  I do not think so much of these as rules but more as just following the natural laws of nature.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Landmarks of Life

"Jungle River" by Drew John Tankersley
Happy sez- The other day I had to run some errands which took me by an old residence of mine where I spent many happy years and I got to thinking about the landmarks in the neighborhood that showed me where I was, where my old place was and also gave me my bearings so I could navigate where I wanted.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dance of the Seasons

"Vibrant Earth" by Drew John Tankersley

Happy sez- This time of year in most places in the more moderate northern latitudes is beautiful with the changing of the seasons from summer to fall as though mother earth is doing a dance of change and renew.