Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bad Cycle?

"Electric Blue" by Drew John Tankersely

Happy sez- Like all things life runs in cycles, all kinds of cycles some cycles are within other cycles and sometimes some of those cycles, when when viewed as a sine wave will align in such a way that when the crest of the wave will sometimes reinforce other waves other times when the crest aligns with the trough of the other waves they will canvel eah other out, creating a classic interference pattern..  Right now it looks as if some of those waves are aligning, a few in good ways for our species, a few more seem no so much, times they are always changing but not always for the good.

Think about it then let me know what you think.

Some links:

physicsclassroom.com Interference Pattern 
www.google.com/ - Some really cool images for interferance patterns

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